What is Min/Max?

I only started really playing in BFA and I hear about min/max, I was too afraid to ask until now. What is it and should I try to achieve this?

Simply put, min/maxing is attempting to tweak every aspect of your character or group to give yourself the most power in a given situation. Sometimes at the expense of power in a different situation.

On an individual level, an example could be: You have two pieces of gear. One is item level 455 with Crit and mastery. The other is item level 465 with crit and haste. Which one should you equip? If you’re playing a class and spec that benefits more from mastery than any other stat, you might choose not to upgrade to the 465 because it would drop your Mastery 1 or 2%, resulting in overall less damage done even though the rest of the stats on the higher item level piece are all bigger numbers.

It can also be in regards to talent choices. Should I take talents that maximize my AOE damage for trash mobs? Or talents to increase single target damage when we reach a boss?

It can even be something as core to your gameplay experience as which race you should pick. Example: Will picking Troll for the haste buff result in better damage than picking Orc for the attack power buff?

On a group level, this can include things like inviting a Rogue instead of a Warrior because the rogue will let you skip one really annoying group of mobs.

Overall, it’s good to get into the habit of min/maxing at some level for your own character, but don’t beat yourself up over it. It’ll come naturally with time as you continue to learn your character and the game in general.

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As another example, a big part of min/maxing is identifying and perfecting all the intricacies of your rotation and movement in any given situation. The best players are creative and continue to find ways to increase performance with minor tweaks to rotation and movement. Exp. they might test if they can do a specific series of skills in a specific 20 second window on a specific boss mechanic.

They are also diligent with extensive testing. Azerite trait combos, essences, and corruption on gear can be added to Zipster’s mention of talents and stats. There are various degrees of min/maxing as well.

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I recommend using the Icy Veins Class Guides they are written by elite mythic raiders. There is one for each rogue spec. Rotations, priorities, talents, etc. Wowhead has class guides as well. I like bloodmallet dotcom for dps rankings on azerite, essences, corruption, trinkets. All this info significantly improves performance.

Awessome!, thank you all!

There are some Addons that would really improve your performance and increase quality of life as well. I posted directions for a warlock in this thread, and all those directions can be used for rogue too. Nug combo bar for combo points, weak auras 2 for dot tracking on Garrote and Rupture, Elvui.

I don’t believe they are up to date. They still suggest using
WorldVein essence when no one uses that essence, in pugs, anyway. Different for a guild of course.

For Sin, Bloodmallet has world vein +3 as the top essence, and the normal world vein 6th. I don’t know what the +3 means. Looks like world vein is the only major essence listed twice 1st and 6th. The wowhead sin guide shows the same essence rankings they copied from bloodmallet. Simming a specific character would be prudent, but I don’t mention simming to new players unless they ask about it.

My guess would be 3 others in range also using it