What is it with the Japanese Game Studios and their Swords In Space!

I just played the English localized demo to a game titled “Star Ocean: The Divine Force.” Produced by a Japanese studio. This is a game set in a science fiction universe. The game starts off with the hero, your character talking to his crew on the bridge of his space ship. The ship is attacked and the hero and crew climb into escape pods and land on a planet.

As soon as he has to fight some monsters, what does he pull out? A sword. WTF! A sword! Not a blaster rifle. Not a phaser pistol. Not a Laser gun. Not even an assault rifle with grenade launcher, or a squad automatic weapon. He uses a freaking sword!

I could understand it if this was a medieval setting. But a futuristic Sc-fi setting? Oh yeah, and its not even a lightsaber. Its a big two hander.

This is something I have noticed even in western fantasy games since many try to copy the Asian studios. And please don’t get me wrong. I grew up playing Japanese games. And enjoyed every minute. But It’s time for the Japanese to start using ranged weapons in futuristic games. And that goes for western games too.

This lead to my realization that even in medieval fantasy games things are unbelievable. The fact that a peasant can go pick up a rusty sword and shield and go fight a dragon is totally ridiculous. Some of you will claim that the sword could be enchanted with magic, that’s how it can kill a dragon. Oh yeah? Remember that scene in “Game of Thrones” Where the lady magic user went down the ranks of mounted horse men making their swords into flaming swords so they could fight the un-dead horde. Remember what happened. The horsemen charged off into the night to kill un-dead. Then silence. They never came back. Now at lease that scene was believable.

Oh yeah, now what about the rest of the monster menagerie. Lets start with this. Realistic scene: villager and the village elders telling a villager to go fight a wizard to save the princess. It would go like this:

Elder. “Ok Bob, here’s a magic sword and a magic shield. Now go rescue the princess from the evil wizard at his mountain fortress, that’s a good lad. On your way now.”

Bob: " Wait a minute. Your talking about me going up against the wizard’s army of dead? And the wizard’s pet; a dragon that is the size of a house has scale armor that would put an Abrams Tank to shame. And belches steams of Fire!"

Bob: “Oh let me think for a minute. Ah no! Here take your sword and shield back. Bye bye.”

Fantasy is one thing but you gotta keep the suspension of disbelief working. If ya gonna send a hero to fight a fire breathing dragon. Give him a mini-nuke launcher.
Even in Wow we have guys running around with guns.

Works for Monster Hunter


I mean if you wanna do everyday life there’s IRL


Swords don’t run out of ammo.


I feel like you are struggling with the “fantasy” part of this genre.


They’re an elegant weapon from a more civilized time. :person_fencing:


LOL. ok . Very funny.

But I just want the fantasy to be realistic within the fantasy frame. As an example:
If you gotta send someone to fight Undead. Send a Paladin. If you gotta send someone to fight a dragon send a Mage. Mages are good at killing just about anything! Oh and include a healer. just in case. If you gotta send someone to fight klingons. Send federation red shirts armed with phaser weapons.

I mean Waka used a what was essentially a soccer ball in FFX. Cloud used a sword in FF7.

Star Ocean has always been a mix on Sci-fi with medieval flavor thrown in.

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I have some super bad news for you about Klingons.

These two things contradict this:

You can’t have it both ways.

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Hmm interesting take on fantasy elements, especially coming from a nearly 7foot tall lavender elf that uses lightning charged thunder rocks to pew pew from a distance.


Fantasy can be whatever the heck you want it to be provided it makes sense within the setting and isn’t an ugly melting pot of a whole bunch of styles and themes.

Yes I know. I’ve played most of the Star Ocean games and in every single one I have yelled “For all that’s holy, give me a ray-gun!” “A ray-gun, a ray-gun my kingdom for a ray-gun.”

I don’t think you get how this fantasy thing works

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Oh yes I can. I’m going for the new Wow achievement “You Can Have it Both Ways.” It goes along with the old Wow achievement “You can have your cake and eat it too.”

I get what your saying. But consider this: what if your watching a godzilla attacks Tokyo movie. In the movie the hero leading the army declares that everyone must fight Godzilla with Samurai Swords. Would that ruin immersion?

You do know that Cloud carried a very big sword right?

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No. Because that’s not the strangest thing in that statement.


I make a lot of strange statements. which one do you mean?



I think that its a fantasy setting. Also I thought about it. What happens if one day we humans begin stepping on the path of evolution. Where normal bullets aren’t fast enough to kill us. When we’re fighting across planets in various environments against aliens (Zergs? Predators?) 10x faster than bullets. By then we’d not be using guns and bullets to fight but actual swords because we’re faster and the weapons we use would be an extension of our bodies.

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Swords are cool.