What is IO is recruiting

Mythic plus based guild with the focus on 2500 to 3k IO per season. AOTC raid team with casual mythic progression.

Mythic Plus
Recruiting a Tank for our core team.

Raid Schedule
Tuesday 930pm est to 1201am est.
Wednesday 930pm est to 1201am est.
We are actively recruiting for core spots and not a bench. All spots are competitive and if you are under-preforming you may be asked to sit.

How to reach us.
Recruitment Officers
Bnet Norton#11254 Discord Norton#6319
Bnet Eulogy#1915 Discord Zuglife#6240

Officers of guild are 2300 to 2500 right now and 5 to 6 of 12M. Experience is here let’s build.

Hold up back to the top. Needs Healer or Dps for key team. Need RDPS and Heals for raid team. …DID you hear DISHONORED is leaving the server…

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