What Is Heroic Plus?

Here you go.

TOC 10: 20 badges/week (4 per boss)
Ony: 3 per raid size (6 total)
VOA: 2 per raid size (4 total)
Daily H++: 2 a day/14 a week
Daily H++ dungeon bag: 3 a day/21 a week

55/week from just raiding
35/week from doing the daily H++

That is 90 a week if you do everything

for 4 245 tier pieces, you'll need between 165-270 badges 

That is 1.83 to 3 weeks to get your 4 pieces depending on what you want```

This is 100% meaningless to what was quoted.

This has nothing to do with player engagement or mindset, but instead being an accurate representation of what Wrath was in design. This is just some poor fanfiction of how Wrath was actually designed.

Yes you arent going to have a 100% recreation of Wrath, but this isnt even close to being accurate.

Iā€™ve been raiding each week during wotlk. The raids seem fine to me.

Oh no, they added new catch up mechanics, the game is ruined forever :frowning:

They arent catch up mechanics.

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I mean it kind of is

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Oh? Heroic+ doesnt drop better gear than heroics? Its easier to run Naxx25 for Naxx25 gear than to run Naxx10 for Naxx25 gear or a heroic for Naxx 10 gear?

But it isnt.

They do, but you dont do H+ for catch up and there are less annoying ways to catch up than H+. H+ is for the increased badges and always will be.

YOU dont do it for that, plenty of other people do. Iā€™ve helped some guildies on their alts run heroic+. Its way simpler to just run a quick dungeon than to try and find a pug for naxx.

It drops to 10 man version of the previous raid tierā€¦

Thatā€™s literally a catch up mechanicā€¦


what about the weekly raid quest and the daily h+ gives 5 badges as bag drops 100% from those?

It also puts Naxx25 gear in Naxx10. Literally catch up mechanic xD

No wonder the guy is frustrated with the system, he doesnā€™t understand its purpose.

That looks like a 3.3 feature they added. Maybe they are holding out because they donā€™t want to redo the code to prevent ICC or TOC raids from showing up xD

yes they do give 3 badges, and then you get the 2 from the quest. So 5 in total, but 3 from the bag

Idk about a weekly raid quest, are you sure thatā€™s a thing??

The bag is counted for, you get 3 badges from the bag per day, it is the last thing listed and the thing above it is the daily Heroic that gives 2 badges.


No, you dont do H+ for catch up. Its unreliable as a catch up system. Anyone that is doing H+ for catch up fell for the noob trap that it is.

My warrior is going to get to 80 tonight. What should I do to catch up if you know all the answers?

Are catch up mechanics supposed to be unreliable?

You kill bosses it drops previous raid tier loot.

Not really unreliableā€¦

The best ways:

  • Get carried in an Ulduar 25 run.
  • Get carried in an Ulduar 10 run.
  • Play in a Naxx 10 run
  • Play in a Naxx 25 run
  • Use your heroic lockout for a heroic+ variant.
  • Use your heroic lockout for a heroic dungeon.

Those are various ways of playing the game and not spending money on BoEs. Naxx10 is above Naxx 25 because the same change of adding Heroic+ also added Naxx 25 gear to Naxx 10. Naxx 10 is easier to play, and is easier to put together.

Wasnā€™t added until ICC so who knows when or if they add it

Yes, its unreliable. You know what is reliable? Badge farming, doing world tours of regular heroics is and will be more reliable catch up mechanic for any new 80 to get into ToGC normals.