Guild chat isn’t available, battle net says I am lonely and I need to go outside and find friends, i don’t think I can whisper my friend even tho on discord it says they’re playing, is this game shutting down??
Update: whispers work i asked in trade and i got 20 spam whispers.
I guess it is, I’m sorry I lied. I am lonely, I don’t have any battle net friends. 
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The server hamsters needed a break after yesterday’s server load. Not sure why they thought putting the World Boss, Seige Weekly, and Dragonbane Keep in one zone this week was a good idea.
It’s totally the fishing hole. Everyone out huntin’ LAVA LUNKERS.
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Now that you mention it, I think hunters broke the game.
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WoW is such a joke now. How can its quality decrease when it’s a sub based game?
Put the money into better hardware and out of Bobbie’s yatch
Can’t see community and guild chat at all and I am owner of both…
I can’t either, I think Blizzard needs to go into a retirement home.
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Have you tried submerging your Bnet in a barrel of rice?
No, but do you think throwing my monitor out the window and canceling my sub will work, and then complaining on the forums?
I’m thinking the watches some 90s cartoons and took the skit if “Good Idea Bad Idea” from what was it Animaniacs?.
This feels like it’s past “watch this,hold my beer”.
“And now checking with with reporters…How you doing down there Summer”?
" I’m on FIRE"
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Thrall (cuss word) (cuss word) I’ll go to naragand.
It’s the end of the World of Starcraft and I feel fiiine"
Legit, I think any devs worth their salt already left. Why would they stay? For Kotick?
Everyone knows Blizzard’s awful record by now.
Any good developers get snatched up by other companies instead- Blizzard tarnished it’s own reputation.
So, what’s left is enthusiastic, but burnt-out devs that are likely semi-incompetent (SO many bugs), probably haven’t learned everything they need to, aren’t up to speed, or simply don’t have the talent the old teams had.
I don’t even know what’s going on with the rest of Blizzard- they need to STOP with those TikTok WoW ads. They are beyond bad. And out-of-touch, because no “zoomer” would want to play a “boomer” game.
WoW is old. Kids/teens don’t inherently like old stuff, they want what’s hip and new.
the battle net has detected that you are wasting away so it tried to do you a favor…
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