What is going on with this mount drop

Wife and I are going on day 4 still no mount. Nothing but gold at this point. This has been all-nighters too, since it’s memorial day weekend. It’s literally been 96 hours.


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It’s probably like 1% first kill of the day and .01% on the next kills that same day.


Man, I must’ve won the entire lottery LMAO

My first Treasure Goblin kill ever gave me the mount.


I’m up to 74 kills and no mount. RNG sucks sometimes.


If you’re just mount hunting, I’d suggest doing one goblin kill a day. I got the mount today from my first kill, so it’s likely better to just do it daily. I’d only worry near the end of the event.


Is it the horsey mount? I wouldn’t waste so much time for just another horse. I’m sure we all have at least 5 horses in our collections.

Only Diablo based horsey tho…

It’s like I’ve run dungeons for mounts and got those .1% chances faster than this and I’ve killed them bosses less. We’re talking almost 60+ attempts so far this is literally insane. I was just curious if we are the only ones. Not complaining

Tyrael’s Charger? It says all kills after the first of the day accountwide have “greatly reduced” chance to drop it. I assume the drop rate for subsequent kills is very close to (possibly equal to) 0%.


Well that’s dumb :frowning: we go back to work tomorrow. I just hope one of us gets it at this point.

Entitled? wtf you talking about.


You’re complaining because you didn’t get the mount yet, so much so that you feel you needed to make a thread on it.

Yes, I call that being entitled.


Don’t worry too much, there’s still another week or 2 for the event. Just kill a goblin daily and you’ll probably get it.

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I made a thread asking if other people were going through the same thing as we are. Maybe you should read the thread instead of posting your useless brain thoughts.


Best odds one kill a day per account. first kill I got the bag the next day I got the charger. then I got 39 gold.

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Take a break, get some sleep, go out and enjoy the gorgeous weather! I’d say only do the first kill of the day for the higher chance. If you don’t get it this time around, I am sure it’ll be back in the store again.

No one is acting “entitled.” The OP asked a question. Are you okay?


I’m reminded of the sunday I spent waiting for Poundfist to spawn, like week 2 of WoD. 7 hours just waiting in Gorgrond.

Worst time I’ve ever had playing this game, and this event kind of revived that. Im gonna keep trying once a day and that’s it.


Lol i didn’t read it. mmmkkk. Anyways,

There is nothing going on with the mount drop, you just didnt get it yet. to post like you should have it already is just coming off as entitled is all. Sorry to be a jerk about it but this is how rng works. Keep trying and maybe youll get it, maybe you wont. nothing is wrong with it.

What other thread?? The title OF THIS THREAD specifically says, “What is going on with this mount drop?” And the OP is giving their data on what they’ve been doing to try to get it, so that they can get feedback from others on how their droprate is going.

They didn’t. You just twisted so you could get triggered for some reason.

Doesn’t sound like you are. Just sounds like you’re still acting condescending.