What is going on with Blizzard

I’m just not understanding who is developing the dungeons for M+ and the overall game experience. It seems to me that Blizzard is going out of there way to frustrate the player base. I do understand that you have true gamers that make a living out of this or guys who just have the ability and love to play all day, however the player base cannot be those guys. Most of us have lives, etc… I just ran City of Echoes and there’s no way in hell this is life. Way too much going on in these dungeons with goop, interrupts, adds, etc and then you add the never ending grind for crests, materials, etc… I just don’t get it… Whoever is approving these things has no pulse as to what the general player base enjoys because this is murder. I’m a bit lost honestly as to what has happened. After the Shadowlands disaster they tried to be more player friendly but the moves they have made lately leave a foul taste after playing this game.

Oh come on. You’ve got multiple KSMs but suddenly intro keys are too hard for you? Seems sus.

I was more hardcore back at those seasons and those seasons were also easier

When they make so many different difficulties, they allow themselves to go a little crazy on the highest of them.

we have several others that are more casual.