What is going on with AK?

So I just hear on a Kelani video that AK is stopping with today’s reset. Huh? Far as I can see/tell, absolutely no announcement was made by blizz… was there some blue post that absolutely nobody is talking about?

Moderator: Edited title for language. Please adhere to the code of conduct when posting.

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Don’t know what is going on by I have been told by others necklace caps at 50. Most likely to slow players down till patch 8.2 IMO but that is speculation on my part.

Blizzard announced that last year actually.

Almost everyone is 50 already anyways

No they aren’t lol.


It is getting capped at 50 and that is it. Beta for Azerite is coming to a close soon.

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Maybe some of the hardcore grinders. I’m averaging about 1 1/2 levels per Tuesday reset and I’m nearly out of 44. Will be seeing a lot more people capping over the next couple of weeks.


partying in the 30’s


who the hell is kilaykneee ?? o_0

What?! No they are not… Where are you getting that from? The top Mythic Progression guilds are not everyone.


I am only 42. Granted I do not really chase after AP but am I really the minority?


Basically a man boy who makes pretty informative videos on Youtube and does a lot of PTR testing.

I think you mean Salami…

also blizz is shut off AK after i think it’s 10-15 weeks since the inception of AK? new patch --> AK collects for x weeks --> AK shuts off till new patch. blizz has mentioned this on multiple occasions

Oh yeah, btw here is confirmation on the AK for this week.


Unbelievable, I actually typed in **** in the title and they edited it out.

And dollars to donuts the top mythic guilds are nowhere near 50… there is FAR more important draws on their time then grinding stuff.

I bet their just waiting for the catchup mechanic…

I got this guy to 120 about 2 weeks ago and im already level 40+ neck, didn’t even break a sweat.

There are 15 people currently at 50. A lot more at 49.

This is one time I would have liked to see someone post on their main. Probably less than 1% of players are at 50.

I guess based on zero’s numbers make than less than .0000001%

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My characters range from 32-42 with the bulk of them around 35. I’m spread very thin in this expansion.

Lol, no they aren’t. Not in the least. I would wager less than 1% of players are 50. Hell, I’d be willing to wager less than 1% are past 48.

Hell, according to this, there’s only NINE players in the ENTIRE US that are at 50. NINE. Out of Millions. Not even 100 are 49. MAYBE 500 are at 48.

I would not be shocked if they do a mini-patch before 8.2 to add more AK in the files when they realize that people still aren’t close to 50, because 8.2 is ending the neck levels.