What is going on w/ Righteous Orbs?

I get that there are massive stockpiles for Righteous Orbs. I get that its a sellers market. But this is getting to levels of crazy I cant even fathom.

The Vendor price is 2g
The Deposit is 1.20g


bots don’t do logical things

these arnt bots … these are people who purchased them from the bots in classic … and are trying to get rid of them … poorly.

false, these are paladin bots farming them now. Real people doing the strat farm sell them to the repair bot

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That’s what happens when people become entirely dependent on an addon and just do whatever it tells them to.

Oh and I believe you mean it’s a buyer’s market not a seller’s market.


Its mostly because the twinking scene has died and there is no economy for it anymore. Otherwise they would still fetch a decent price.

Deposit is only 1.2 if you do the full 24 hours. They might be doing just two hours… idk

If not oh well. those are meme items in TBC anyways. Vendor trash.

stratholme bots being dumb nothing new, they used to do the same thing in classic but with other stuff

wotlk has heirlooms and a much easier leveling experience, should go for a bit more then since looms can be enchanted

Dumb bots being dumb. But Righteous Orbs on my server are still worth something on the AH for twinks using Crusader Aura or wanting to quick-unlock Naxx for weekend GDKPs.

have you heard of the stratholme paladin farm?

a moderately geared paladin can do half of the humans on live side with their regular pull. i’ve gotten 3-4 righteous orbs per pull before.

It was the same with truesilver ore and truesilver bar. No one in their right mind would sell the ore for the price in the ah as it making it to bars would exceed the price of the ah ore for vendor price, yet people kept doing it.

dunno. cant say for everyone else but if the price dif between a bar type i need and its ore version is too much, ill buy the ore and smelt it myself.

also, dont forget jc needs raw ore to prospect. though im unsure if you can prospect the green quality ores.

I am talking about vanilla when jc didnt exist. People sold ore for nothing while bar prices were more than double the gold vendoring

There’s still the issue that a lot of max level players are adding a trade skill (JC/BS/Eng) because it has a BIS slot or utility (bombs) but they don’t actually have a miner, or perhaps don’t care to shuffle items across alts for a relatively minor (to them) amount of gold when they’re trying to zoom from 1-375 in two hours.

So the perceived value in pricing of bars vs ore is a bit screwy depending on who happens to be shopping on a given day, though I’m sure someone out there has data on it.

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