What is Glorbo?

I keep seeing on Reddit posts about glorbo. Can someone explain to me in baby words that this is, and what this means for the future of my favorite mmo?

Many thanks in advance

it’s u

ur glorpa

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It was a troll towards a gaming “news” website that was using AI to scrape Reddit posts to turn into articles.

The website got caught red-handed and has since deleted the article covering the glorbo post.



That is funny as hell. Been getting far too many of those bad people on reddit said articles in my news feeds lately. I hadn’t clued in they were AI driven since they always have a ‘writer’ given credit for them, but it really doesn’t surprise me.

I’m just now hearing about it and it’s already getting annoying :dracthyr_a1:

Sounds like you need to Glorb with the times, old man.

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Who is Gabbo?


Glory to glorzo.

I may make a toon named Glorbo now.

Basically a bunch of subreddit users caught onto the fact that there was an ai bot sweeping their forum’s & decided to gaslight it.

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And now I bet it’ll become a toy G.L.O.R.B.O

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It’s not baby words but written well and explains it all:

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Glorbo is the arch-nemesis of Quackion, the Aspect of Ducks.

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