What is GDKP and what does it stand for?




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Typically GDKP is “Gold Dragon kill points” or “Guild Dragon Kill points” for some people, but usually it refers to a raid where people purchase items with gold, and profits are split between the players.

POG= Play of the Game.


pay to win


DKP was a fairly common way to distribute the relatively low number of dropped items to guild members. Typically you earn points by showing up and doing the right things and can lose points by causing a wipe etc.

GDKP is a way for people to raid and everyone gets something. The “DKP” points is actually a gold bid. The gold that people bid to get an item is then split evenly between all the raiders. So people who don’t get loot at least get some gold to compensate


Gold Digging Krack Pots?

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Gold, Dragon, Kill, Points. The gold you bid determines your prio on loot.

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It stands for real money gold purchase laundering.


GDKP Just needs die already. Its destroying the game. All of the bots and boosters that plague classic is bad enough, but GDKP is a whole new level of scum. It forces people to buy gold in order to gear up in raids. Such a slopfest of a game anymore. This game is on its last days of life. BC will not save it, the exact same things that happened in classic will happen in BC with all the boosting, bots, and GDKP.


GDKP is slang for pay to win


Pog is a twitch emoji.

GDKP = gear for gold. You’ll need some undergeared whales with pockets full of real world transaction gold to feed a raid. The gold mogul leaders will have you sign up and check your pocket size in a trade window commonly. You’d need weeks of GDKP to buy items yourself, but then again why would you blow weeks of GDKP to compete against a whale gold buyer if you are already a geared carrier yourself. Gamble the gold. Buy consumes. Flood the economy. Save tens of thousands for TBC. Boy oh boy… Just waiting on the announcement that some stupid Youtube GDKP mogul got his maximum speed mount first or second week. GDKP has devastated the game, and players who indulge in it are very quick to defend it.

Ok, I don’t raid, so perhaps this is a dumb question but after enough raids, wouldn’t you be swimming in enough gold to be able to bid enough to get an item? How many pieces of loot do 40 man raids drop? It seems like gold is not really any different than any other sort of prioritization system.

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I encountered lots of Gold DKP during WoTLK.
The loots are Master Looted. When the raid group gets a loot from a Boss or MoB BoE drop, the Master Looter open the item for gold bid. Whoever has the highest bid wins the item and he pays the item to the master looter. The master looter writes down how much gold the group get from the bid. And the group continues to kill Bosses and open each loot for gold bids. At the end of the run, the master looter computes for the total gold accumulated by the group and divide it equally to the group. The group lines up to master looter and the master looters gives everyone their equal share.

Not necessarily you need to buy gold for Gold DKP. You could join the group for the Boss kills but since you cant bid much, you would just after for the gold share at the end of the run. Profits depend on how many and what kind of loots the group gets for bid.

If your group is weaksauce, and you cant kill a boss, there’s nothing to bid for. So the group leader usually picks those he knows who are capable to kill Bosses. And if he sees someone who keeps on dying, he usually kicks him. The one he kicked will not get his gold share. You have to reach the end of the run to get your gold share. And if you’re not there, sorry for you. And the group leader remembers all the players who were on the successful previous runs.

Back then, I remember a regular loot usually bids for 5k gold. If nobody wants it, they usually lower the bid at around 2k gold. If not, it gets disenchanted. But there were rare loots, I remember I bid one for 25k gold becoz that freaking trinket never dropped for 30x runs but my alt had it and won it for 6k gold bid.

Usually, I get around 5k to 12k gold per run on Gold DKP. But I had 2 toons doing it so I was getting 10k to 24k gold per week. I remember I was not able to win anything on my first gold dip run. I just did all the kills and got gold. Then on my 2nd run, I started bidding for loots I want. At the end of WoTLk, I had more than 200k gold in my bank. I never had more than 50k gold from my previous toons.

Gold DKP is okay for Master Loot. But doing Master Loot from Guild council opens for loot abuse. I rather have Master Loot abolished than have raid leader mess up my loots.

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