What is demonology good for?

fixed it for ya, bring back meta


I approve of this. If meta ever somehow made its way back into my toolkit I’ll never complain about anything again.


I’m convinced. Demo is going to be drastically buffed.

Blizz would be foolish not to buff Demo. I don’t know that it’ll be drastic, but it needs it. I love the spec personally and hope they make it way more viable.

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hot take. They don’t know what to do with demo.


Warlocks are complete trash now!!! I thought this new xpac was going to be fair across the board for all classes, but that’s not the case. Warlocks have been bad for like 3 expansions now. I don’t plan on paying for a warlock account which isn’t fun to play. I won’t be paying or playing when the game launches. You have rouges, hunters, mages, elemental shaman, balance druid, feral druids, and shadow priest one shotting other classes and warlocks can’t even cast one spell!!!

The entire warlock community mindset in one sentence

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You could do us all a favor and buh bye now. Your constant and incessant whining about nothing is starting to wear.


If you look at the history of the entire forum base, this “The entire warlock community mindset in one sentence” applies to all classes from the time this game was ever developed.

You druids should know better.


I’ve been saying it, since they removed the lvl90 Kil’jaden’s Cunning. It made PVP fun for Warlocks. Then next expansion it was gone. Bring it back.


Yeah except that warlocks have been in a great spot since always in terms of DPS, so no. Besides, the guy I replied to has only been complaining on his 15 forum posts.

But I’m sure a classic druid toon has everything to do with that…

I don’t like comparing classes like that. Many classes have tuning issues atm. Warlocks are usually viable as dps, but right now demonology feels under tuned. Which is the point of the original post. I like the new Demo spec, but right now the numbers are way too low for them to be viable in comparison with not only the other warlock specs but most other dps.

I LOVE demonology. It’s my main spec on mine and I plan to use it all through SL.
The major downside I can find is pvp, but I just switch to demo for pvp.

PVE its weaker than the other 2 but I don’t care. I’ll get what I need to get done.


Im still convinced that something on demo will be nerfed after the first expansion patch. There has always been a pattern there every expansion

There’s a reason Warlocks have been one of the least played classes in the entire game in the past 4 expansions. The fact that we perform well is actually one of our biggest issues. We are over-represented in high-end content and non-existent in low-end content because the class feels bad to play, but hardcore players will play us anyways because of our output. Blizzard sees “Wow, so many Warlocks have cleared Mythic!” and thinks we’re fine when mechanically we are far behind almost every other class.

If I and others say “Warlock is bad”, we mostly mean “This sucks to play”, not “Our numbers suck”. At least that’s what I mean if I say it.


Having played for years this I can wholly agree with. To those that say lock is fine, or mechanically is “fun”. You’re the problem. As unfortunate as that is, it’s the truth. Demonology is literally so bad tuning wise and has 1 major disadvantage that sets it so far behind. Having to fight the literal game engine and the coding shouldn’t be a problem. Destruction and Affliction don’t feel fun for their sluggish rotations. (afflictions for more than just that) Yet the concepts that worked for all 3 of them, have been stripped, water downed (destro), or replaced entirely with garbage (Demo, affy). And no, before I see a “then don’t play lock” frankly I won’t. I’ll continue playing the class since it’s my favorite, however they are in a horrible position and the people screaming “THEY’RE FINE” are the issue.

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Its the single target spec, but it’s doing worse ST than both Aff and Destro. And they dominate it in terms of cleave, AOE and spread cleave too.

So right now - not much.


Just say it shouldn’t exist and needs a rework. That’s the honest to god truth.

It wasn’t that bad in BFA

Tell that to pvp, and any season once they nerfed implosion. It was and has been horrid. Please don’t try to protect this spec. That’s the last thing it needs. It fights the game engine and mechanics and barely preforms the last thing we need is people defending it.

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