Gotta play with a mistweaver kennie, free money when bm is qin
Rogue though… YEESH
J and I got 2 games on ryrog the other day, I actually had to go buy an air conditioner when it’s 30 out cuz it got so sweaty
Gotta play with a mistweaver kennie, free money when bm is qin
Rogue though… YEESH
J and I got 2 games on ryrog the other day, I actually had to go buy an air conditioner when it’s 30 out cuz it got so sweaty
I’m a 2v2 main completely exiled by this class. It’s so annoying how strong it is
We should q sometime I’d blow ur mind how easy mwer makes that matchup
Why is that?
Kek. I’ve never once advocated for free rewards. This is just your scapegoat for when I press you on your behavior.
Oh snap. Sounds like Amatoxic has some answers to provide.
Anyone with one quarter of a brain, can watch a Kelani video ONE TIME, and take down Mythic raids in sub-par gear. That is, if they care to. PvE isn’t my cup of tea but I’ll run through the bosses 1 time at least per expansion for the hell of it.