What is coming after SoD?

I have started late when it comes to classic. Decided to start hardcore this month.

I have yet to create a SoD toon. But how long will it last? And what do you think will come after?

I wish we had a classic server which changes, but a permanent one. Not seasonal, but new content added throughout the year.

Do you think some kind of Classic+ is coming after SoD ends? Or are we just getting another seasonal variant to replace it?

More SoD is coming after SoD. They added a new dungeon Kara Crypts…they will add a new Raid Scarlet Whatever. They have a green light to keep making new raids. Karazhan tower/Hyjal/Uldum/Caverns of time. Theres so much unused real estate in Vanilla Azeroth. Gilneas…Grim Batol…Twilight Highlands…Theres probably more. idk.


Season of Repeat (SoR) will be next.

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It’s still a season though, thus it’s limited duration wise.

Besides didn’t they say this was a “test run” or something in the past?

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More content is comming. Expect sod to last 1 more year. After that maybe they rename It and let the SoD era.

Nothing last forever, you can re play era/ TBC but You Will never re play SoD. The people that missed the first phases with lvl cap dont know how good sod was.

Making the quest for runes was dope the first time, but was not alt friendly and they changed It.

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