What is Aspectral power?

Alex can still shoot her life breath, the bronzes can still time travel, the blues are masters of magic.

What does “aspect power” grant the various aspects? What did they give up in Dragon Soul?

I can’t tell any power difference between then and now.

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I am probably wrong since I’m not very deep into the lore but I always thought it was the same magic, but just sort of with the volume turned way up on it.

The Titan’s power that they were granted.

Its pretty obvious that they are weaker right now.

Alexstrasza lost to raszageth 1v1 because al the aspects are basically nerfed right now.

Had alex still had her full power she would have smoked raz

I saw the title and immediately went, “Oh no - not another AP!”

Glad this one is just lore haha

For now



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I assumed they lost their immortality like the night elves, and also weaker.

With Aspectral power she wasn’t left out of breath and holding her side after getting her butt kicked.

Bro I kinda miss the days of farming maw of souls for the next golden weapon trait

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The plot armor to use necromancy with no one getting mad at you.

Well the most obvious aspectral power would be the Nozdormu’s and the bronze dragonflights power to go through time.