Please tell me this is satire lol.
There is a reason so many peeled off WMC for DD and it was the rampant rmt and botting lol.
You have WMC personalities who openly talk about buying gold and not reporting/killing bots as they keep consumes cheap.
You have the WMC discord admins advocating gold buying.
Your statement on WMC has to be the most disingenuous statements I have read in a very long time lol.
Whitemane with parse culture is 10x worse than pure PVE…
Id a GDKP doesnt get done in naxx within an hour people get angry for “wasting their time”.
I mean he’s right. Smart mage.
Demanding someone has mallet or you won’t tank is anti-social behavior and you get what you asked for.
That’s some weird stuff man. You are not the main character of the game.
Carrot absolutely stacks with glove and boots enchants.
Max mount speed is 109% so if you have 8% enchant you are basically there. You don’t need carrot.
Who want’s to constantly swap a trinket every time you mount?
Spurs are 4%
Carrot on a stick is 3%
Riding skill enchant is 2%
There is no 8% enchant.
Also you don’t know how to make macros?
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I don’t use any of that stuff because I’m not a weirdo. I just use the mount.
Makes sense. The slow, like going slow.
Normal people play for fun, not status.
You seem like a confirmed short bus enjoyer, seeing how those don’t go very fast either.
How does going fast equate to status, when the barrier of entry to all three items/enchants listed is so low. Lol
Actually, I’m not surprised the slow do have a much lower bar.
Sorry champ, it’ll be okay.
Why do people drive fast cars and not just drive around in soccer mom mini vans?
I mean it’s cool and all you can drive your short bus around.
I bet your wife loves you. Fast is not always more fun.
Jokes on you I don’t have a wife. That may have been your cousin.
Sorry for your loss bud.
If you wait watching NASCAR and kissin’ your cousin are you even living?
If you ain’t first your last.
Tell us all how that went with your cousin bro.
Man, you really are dense. You must be real fun at parties. Although you seem more like the “forever alone” type, so it’s not like you would get invited to any lol.