So damage
10 char
So damage
10 char
10 char
When I first played Arena and got gladiator 1st season all the way back in BC, I accidentally fell within a RMP team as a handful of my friends from classic all decided to reroll in BC on the fresh server at the time Auchindun and since we were all horde since the beginning, we decided to roll alliance for a change of scenery.
Little did we know until a bit into leveling at around level 30 or so, we discovered that it being a PvP server, that the server ended up being 50% blood elf, then a mix of 40% other horde races and then the last 10% of alliance with 8% being the new race Draenei with the rest making up a total of 2% lol.
We were facing raids of horde everywhere we went, it was insane lol.
So a small group of us decided to grind really hard and make it ahead of the mass of horde leveling so we can level without constantly getting a drive by raid killed and waste time ghost running to corpse.
We successfully got ahead of the curve and once we reached max level, there were still lots of horde but less than like 10-20 max alliance online in its entirety. We couldn’t even put together a raid group for Karazhan simply because not enough max level people on the entire server online, heck I think we just did a /who and the max that filled up was like 53 I think? But we never got it full so basically less than 50 people total online at any given time. This lasted I think many months. We had to combine multiple guilds just to raid 25 man raids lol.
Because of the challenge to level up on a 90/10 PvP server, many people outright quit cause it was maddening to spend more time corpse running than leveling.
So it ended up just being 3 of us that continued to play at max level and once Arena started, we just did it with the 3 of us which just happened to be…
Mage (me)
What I can say is that we at that time had a lot of play time together as we ended up basically 3 manning heroic dungeons as I would pull threat as mage and kite around while the rogue slowed and stunned them and the priest feared and mind controlled etc.
What we learned is that our utility when it comes to crowd control are all essentially non overlapping. We don’t get diminishing returns from each others CC which means you don’t have to plan around that fact.
I think the diminishing returns or lack there of for RMP arena comp as well as the idea that you can setup and lockdown targets with ease using combined CC and blow them away quickly and then being able to reset afterward easily with sheep and blind/sap and fear/Mind Control as needed really gives that comp a edge… at least that is what we discovered at the time.
We only lost to Rogue, Warlock, Paladin and occasionally to Warrior, Shaman, Paladin. But every other comp we came across we just shut down with relative ease.
Ever since then, RMP has been and continues to be a solid comp and I think it’s the variety of differing crowd control affects that also don’t really overlap.
RMP was always about the fact that the 3 specs CCs don’t overlap with each other. I remember playing this comp way back during BC and WOTLK when it first became popular.
Fear/Blind/MC, share DR
Sap/Sheep/Gouge shares DR
They can still be cycled decently but the times when none of it shared DR has long since not been a thing.
Back in the day there was no dampening either so you could have 30-45+ minute matches.
Ah back when skill was required to get a kill instead of patience. I miss those days.
I’ve had some long Arena matches in the past, but I never really timed them.
But nothing compares to the old 2+ hour WSG matches between 2 well played and organized teams back in classic PvP ranking days.
I miss those days a lot… but I also don’t know if I want to relive them lol.