What is a substitution to GDKP

  1. I can only play after 9pm my local time everyday. It is almost impossible to find a guild.
  2. I don’t enjoy playing with unskilled or under geared noobs. When I’m seriously playing I always get 90+ parses.
  3. If I play ms/os pugs, I got nothing if I didn’t win the roll. If I get bad luck, I might end up the patch with terrible gears. That’s unacceptable for me.

So I feel Blizzard is kicking me away from SoD


new runes and a new pvp event. ur welcome

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Sell guild clears, 7 carries and 3 pure buyers. sell the slots at 125g ez money.

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MS > OS runs, or MS > OS +1 (+2) Soft Reserves are the best.

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What server are you playing on? Because most have tens of thousands of players on them so this idea that you can’t find a guild at any time of the day seems weird to me. Heck, on Crusader Strike there are four layers going even in the middle of the night and ten going at prime time.

Then make your own raids and check people’s logs before letting them join you? This is what plenty of people in LFG are doing already so I don’t know why you can’t do it too.

So then make your own raids and HR one piece of gear you want every raid. This is also something a bunch of people are already doing so its proven to be perfectly viable.

Dang, that sucks. Maybe it’s time to move onto a new game then I guess.


Under Blizzard’s clarification of what they consider GDKP, carries won’t be allowed in Phase 2 either.


I think there’s some P2W mobile games you’ll feel right at home playing.


That’s a you problem. You’re suffering from loot goblinism, and it’s no way to go through life son


it does not say that tho. im selling raid slots, Not gear.

And by your logic, Boosting should be bannable.

Dude I have 98 parse for every single raid boss/mythic in world of Warcraft since 2005. I am an elite player but just don’t have time to play in guild raid now.

I work every day except Wed-Thursdays.

40+ hours a week doing only MS > OS runs on my Priest and she has almost full bis except for the Hat and the Epic Staff.

You’ll be fine.

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HR is against my moral code. HR gears is slavery.

I felt the same way when Blizzard nerfed pvp gear . 2013- 2014 .
Today , i am still feeling that kick .

Make your own guild, and put in the work to build a community around your own playstyle.



Rich boomer wants easy gear


Corey Feldman is that you? Because I smell Bad Actor.

Also… could you sign my Rollerblades?


MMO looting isn’t for you.

Also can pvp for gear. Craft pieces, etc

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Who asked tho?


Friendly reminder that people raided before GDKPs. It just shows how GDKP has plagued the playerbase.
You can always do Prio runs, HR or SR. Yes it sucks that you may not get loot from a raid, but you can also try to get to know people and maybe he gives you the item. Or not. But at least you have a new friend now.
Its an mmo after all, not a p2w single player loot simulator. Go play poe or diablo for that


Makes bold claim but hides his profile. Go away gold buyer, no one cares that you don’t have time to raid without buying gold to spend in gdkps.