What is a spec you never tried?

i have never ever played dps shaman, aff lock, or ww monk for even 1 second
like at all
never played aug either

I have played all specs in some level of M+. However I will say I have not given tanks a fair shot this xpac because I don’t enjoy tanking personally.

I have a problem learning how to play “resource” type specs so not much success with rogues, monks, feral druids, either of the petite dragon specs and so on. Specs like shadow priest or balance druids likewise are beyond my skill reach at trying to figure out how their systems work.

I’ve gotten into the tank specs because I’m not a good player and they have excellent survivability. Pen, here, actually leveled as a holy priest and that wasn’t bad, not quick, but wasn’t bad at all. I really enjoyed buffing and even healing folks in the open world.

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Anything Healer related. I can play it in FFXIV no problem, I attempt it in WoW… no.

Never tried the following at endgame ever;

  • Enhancement Shaman
  • All Rogue specs
  • Holy Paladin
  • Affliction Warlock
  • Fire Mage

All of the rest I’ve tried. These were ‘perceived’ by me as not worth the time or I had a strong preference for the other specs.


All the Dracthyr ones (Mainly due to not having a Dracthyr)

Druid - Feral, Restoration

Priest - Discipline

That is pretty much it off the top of my head.

(Sips :beer:)

As an altaholic, I’ve tried them all, but the one I’ve played the least and dislike the most is aug. I have a character of each spec except aug, and I’m not interested in making one.

  • Subtly Rogue
  • Guardian Druid
  • Brewmaster Monk
  • Protection Paladin
  • Vengeance Demon Hunter

Everything else I’ve at least fooled around with in LFR or Timewalking.

A spec I’ve never tried before…hmm I’d have to say Holy and Discipline Priest as while yes I’ve looked at their spells I’ve never gone more than looking them and their talents over. I would say I’ve never tried Survival Hunter as well but that’d be a lie as for a time in legion I did dabble in it but felt the melee hunter thing wasn’t what I wanted to play. I’ve tried every spec of Shaman but Feral Druid is one I just never got into. I did look it over in Warlords when they could become Saberon but…Blizz yanked that and with it my interest in learning the cat druid. For a time when i first tried rogues back in I think Burning Crusade I was Subtlety but they changed that a lot in years to follow I never went back to it. I also wanted to say Holy Paladin but well…I made a very dumb choice when i first rolled a paladin in burning Crusade in thinking Holy was Retribution as Paladins were all about holy light and fighting. Well… yeah that was a mistake…I didn’t realize back then that Holy was healer spec till a guy pointed out that I was playing it wrong. Once I had a mace and shield Holy fell off for me and I went Prot and Retribution so… yeah not touching Holy Pally again as it’s got a lot of bad memories attached to it for me…lot of shame mostly.

Anyways specs I’ve never tried or even looked at falls almost solely to the healer Evokers as well I never had interest as not many groups I’ve had were healer friendly. So yeah… that and Prot Warrior but anyways I’ve never dabbled in the healer specs of Priest, Healer spec of Evoker, and prot warrior. I’ve tried every spec of everyone else at least once, even tried blood DK back in Wrath before it became tank spec but liked Unholy and Frost more.

Holy Priest.

I have yet to try Holy spec.