What is a (rebuilt) dalaran is the capitol for TLT?

Imagine it: Dalaran the capitol for the third expansion.

And we shall call it “Dalawalk”


A capitol is a building, not a city. Dalaran would be a capital. The Violet Citadel is the capitol of Dalaran.

I vote for rebuilt gilneas and silvermoon capitols.

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Still no void elves allowed.

Man will Midnight be a shock for you.

They’re not rebuilding Dalaran ever again, so no chance for Dalaran to ever be a main hub for an expansion again. They would not completely 100% destroy Dalaran just to rebuild it, it’s meant to be gone forever.

Dalaran being leveled is like a generational tradition there.


Meh. :robot:

I would propose a reworked Ulduar, cleaned from all corruption and converted to a capital.

The teleporters should be still there, also “good” former bosses like Freya, Mimiron and Thorim as NPCs. Also Blizzard could make the skybox bigger to allow (dragon) flying there.

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Ulduar is ugly though :cry:

So what happened to all the demons, undead and powerful magical entities Dalaran held in the violet hold?

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Hmm, this was my initial thought, but after the incident with Khadgar, he may have a spell to rebuild Dalaran. It isn’t that I think we should plod the streets of Dalaran for a fourth time, it is that it would be equally shocking if it were brought back thus.

Maybe the spell could be flawed and he creates a Bizzarro Dalaran where the shopkeeps throw bad wine and cheese at you?

Shouldn’t the proper tense be “Dalawalked”? :wink:

They either escaped or died. Most escaped, I’d guess, though. There is a spot where a rare spawns that was held in the Violet Hold. There are Dalaran Mages surrounding it keeping it held until you get close and it breaks free.

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Silvermoon has an extremely high chance to be a capital city for both Alliance and Horde, I imagine there will be a Void Elf section and a Blood Elf section, just like how we divided Dalaran.

They already said the expansion will be taking place over there.

I’m sure a revamp is in the works, maybe if they change Exodar as well, that could be the Alliance city instead. Or both will be neutral.

I want either Ulduar or ICC to be revamped and used for the expansion hub in TLT. Both spaces are massive and could easily support an expansion capital. Ulduar would make sense for Titan stuff, but we also know that the Ebon Blade moved to reclaim ICC after Shadowlands, so it would make sense to see it.

With Silvermoon likely being the capital in Midnight, which will honestly lean more into Alliance-like themes regardless of the Blood Elves being Horde. We need a new capital that leans heavy on Horde themes.

I’m hoping we get a new Taunka Capital in the Last Titan. However, it honestly depends on what they’re doing with Northrend. There’s 8 zones in Northrend, and I don’t see them redoing all 8. I suspect we’re going to get a mixture of updated Northrend and some new underground zones.

I don’t want another Titan-Themed capital when we have Dornogal currently.

Good luck rebuilding that. I was at ground zero as it all started to land and scooped up millions in rare metals and fancy stone work

escaped. theres quests for certain classes to hunt them down, and a handful of them are rare spawns at the ruins of dalaran.

Repurpose the Argent Crusade or Ulduar