What is a good game? 1,000,000 gold

Hello I’ve been studying Asmongold YouTube channel

Define good game in the context of an mmo

Let’s see who the real players into do the real developers are versus the people that want complain not change

Good game = fun.

A good game is one that people enjoy playing. A bad game is one that people do not enjoy playing. Everyone has different tastes and preferences, however game are either generally liked or generally disliked, and that’s what most would consider a good vs a bad game.

Diablo 2 is a good game, for instance, because most people enjoy it. Diablo 4 is a bad game because most people do not enjoy it. One was designed by a small group of intelligent people that focused on making things fun first and foremost, the other was a corporate effort to maximize engagement first, fun is an irrelevant afterthought.

In regards to SoD, the developers are focusing on fun, but they are too confined to the restrictions of classic itself and the World of Warcraft model to make meaningful creative innovations. They also don’t have nearly enough time to flesh out fun systems and work out the unfun things from the game. People are complaining about it for a variety of different reasons, but the basic fact is they’re playing a game they don’t find enjoyable, and maybe the only reason they’re still playing is due to the social ties they’ve made in the game.

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But more importantly is if you enjoy it, the opinion / feelings of others are irrelevant. (You might even think Shadowlands and Warlords of Draenor are the greatest things since sliced bread).

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Was sliced bread really that great when it came out? Was it so revolutionary that it defines the term? It’s hard to imagine.

You know what was unironically a great game?



good game rewards progression without being too complex
good game doesnt require long swaths of reading/dialogue but offers it and an easy method to bypass it
good game is intuitive and once the intuition is established, it retains that style of data gathering ingame
good game doesnt use time wasting techniques to maintain play time, it respects your time and allows you to no life it, if you want to.
good game does not need offgame content, plug-ins, add-ons or guides to be played optimally
good game doesn’t take itself too seriously
good game has some fun features that surpass its ordinary fun
good game is consistent and maintains its lore rigorously

The Burning Crusade
It retains most of the charm and appeal of the original World of Warcraft MMO.

TBC added in elements to the game that expanded its good qualities.
a. two new races that blended well with the original group
b. Jewel crafting skill that complemented the other skills well and didn’t greatly disrupt the overall feel to the original game
c. Guild Banks that enhanced the social experience as opposed to limiting it

Yes, I still want a TBC server, to play my “good game.” :slight_smile:


Oh okay then you probably know a lot about game dev.

Take somebody elses already good game and put a jpeg of your face in the corner and have it say “o wow” or “that’s interesting” every 27 seconds. You’ve created your own game that is transformative and adds value without depreciating the original.


Lmao got em

Never heard of that game.

You want to know what a good game was? Objectively good?

Torchlight 2.

Excellent game. Replayability through the roof. Great RnG difficulty for the genre and a super punishing hardcore elite mode.

Best action rpg aftee diablo 2.

And incase anyone dares mention path of exile :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:? Dog poop game.
Fight me.

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I don’t understand the “1,000,000 gold” significance