What in heck happened to the Mage?

I been playing a Arcane mage in Mythic+ and doing around 3 million damage. Sometime this week I switched spec because I felt like my Arcane missiles were firing very very slow and I was only doing around 2 million damage so I switched.

I then switched to fire and the tank is out Dpsing me. I even found a macro to use where I cast my firebolt then sit back and spam one button but when all the dps is gone I’m sitting there casting a 10 second fireball that does no damage. I sit there cast which so much down time waiting for combust to cool down I fall right to the bottom of the list even past the healer.

Your thinking what else can I hit there really only two button between pryoblast.

I have no idea what’s been going on this week but nobody wants a Mage for their Mythi+'s

Honestly, I feel like too much effort has gone into making the Mage class this super complex glass-cannon, but because Blizz is INCREDIBLY BAD AT MATH, it’s coming out wrong on most fronts.

Fire seems to be the least-affected of the trio, but only because it continues to follow pre-determined complexities that have worked in the past. I’m slowly but surely trying to learn Fire myself, but dear god, it’s amazing how immensely complicated they made it, lol.

It’s more than a bit frustrating considering how simple other classes/specs have it, where even bad players can do more DPS.

Like I said, I’m trying to learn Fire now because Frost and Arcane are already getting left in the dust because I’m tired of letting my friends down, but if I can’t pick up my dps noticeably soon then I’m likely going to cancel my sub until Blizz pulls their collective heads out of their arses and fix this garbage.


5/10… I giggled at the arcane missile reference…


If you’re talking about Single Target, then yes after combustion you use RoP + Shifting Power and then just try to crit to reduce Combustion using your Fireball—>FB—>Pyro (with Fireball) combo.

However, AoE you should be using RoP/Shifting Power/Fireblasts—(this is all dependent on how close you are to the boss to ensure you have CD’s for it of course)—for Flame Striking with Flame Patch talented.

I’m not a very good fire mage myself.

However, if you’re only spamming one button you’re not playing the game right.

Blizzard got rid of “fall-through” macros that decided for you which spell to cast based on what was available back in Vanilla. Since then, it is no longer possible to play optimally if all you do is press one button.

Fire is quite hard to play. And punishes hard if you do it wrong. It usually shines at the end of an expansion.


I’m spamming a macro that let’s all the spells cast themselves in a order. I cast a fireball then my macro that let’s everything fly over and over procs too.

Castsequence macros don’t react to procs. If that’s what you’re using, then you’re playing far below optimum, because you’re not taking advantage of hot streak at the right time.

If you’re saying your macro changes what is cast when you get a proc, then I think you’re lying.

Such macros used to exist in Vanilla. They were called “fall through macros”. But Blizzard didn’t like the idea of a macro, and not the player, choosing what to cast.

To fix this problem, the devs intentionally removed the functionality from the macro system to create such macros for any ability that is on the GCD.


This thread is confusing me, if what you are saying is correct than how is OP using such a macro? Is OP complaining because the macro was made broken and its not working for him?

How about you share the macro?

So you got the 1 button macro from preheat. That doesn’t mean you can just mash 1 button and expect to play the spec perfectly ffs there’s more to it then just that. If aren’t doing the combustion rotation correctly then of course fire is going to be garbage damage. Plus there’s a single target and AoE combustion rotation now and you need to learn them both to keep your overall damage above the tank and that’s easy enough on a target dummy but when putting it to work in a dungeon or raid it takes more then just knowing which buttons to push. You need to learn the fights and mobs so you can time your cooldowns and get the most out of them without being stunned or forced into movement. Everything comes with experience and practice of course. Arcane is the same as fire you stuff up or are forced to waste precious seconds during arcane power or rune then or course you aren’t going to do good damage. Mage definitely isn’t over tuned right now but it’s also not the worst class. Everyone’ knows fire isn’t pug friendly either.


There’s so much dumb in this thread… it’s like a skid mark you can feel…

Best advice I have seen. This has been the challenge for me at the moment. I’m not used to the new raid (and strategies are still being ironed out at times in our prog)—finding the proper and best windows for combustion has been the biggest challenge. Along with breaking out of 8.3 muscle memory (incorporating PF in particular, not having wrists, having a separate rotation for AoE…) and remembering to use the stupid Night Fae CDR right when Combustion is over.

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Hate to say it but fire is busted as all hell I think you just dont know how to play.

As fire I think you are 100% correct I went back to Arcane I just find Arcane fun for me.

This made me gufaw so hard. I’ve found my new sig file.

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