What if.... world revamp 2.0?

Instead of Speculating about IF it will happen I want to focus on WHAT IF it happened.

Pick a zone and revamp it as much as possible. Want to remake feralas and make dire maul the new Night elf capital Go for it.

Want to make it the Horde Capital Go for it.

I may or may not use your ideas on Epsilon :slight_smile:


I want Durotar that looks like Arches National Park with colorful sunsets and
picturesque rock formations.


My zone: Void’thalas

(maybe the name could use some work)

We would need some sort of driver for this revamp. Cata had a big revamp, and the driver of that was Deathwing causing havoc. I guess each person can imagine their own driver for their revamp.

I would start with the last Patch of Shadowlands. We pretty much solved the Jailer problems, and return to Azeroth. Alleria and Turalyon assault Quelthalas, while Liadrin is tasked with defending it. The last Patch of Shadowlands could end with Alleria turning the Sunwell into a Voidwell, pulling Quelthalas off of the map entirely, and sending it to the Void. And that could be how Shadowlands ends.

The revamp could come in the next Expansion. Maybe the Alliance and Horde want to investigate the incident and rescue any survivors, with the bulk of their militaries there during the event.

So, one of the zones of the next expansion could be Quelthalas consumed by the Void - but its magical properties keep it mostly intact.

We could have Alliance and Horde bases from the initial assault acting as our hubs, once our Champions get deep enough to make contact.

Regions can remain untouched through magic - the Light or the Arcane, or both, warding off the Void. Other areas can be totally warped by the Void. The Ghostlands could be totally warped into a Voidish wasteland with zombies.

And it could be one aspect of the expac, not the whole thing. Maybe other stuff is happening to cause revamps all over.

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I actually had to crack open the in-game map because I couldn’t think of any zones I’d be interested to see progress. I guess it’d be nice to give Uldum another pass, perhaps de-meme-ify the zone somewhat and go a little more into what the Tol’vir are like, although I suppose there’s nothing left to really explore about them. Or maybe retool Blackrock Mountain again for more dragon stuff? I dunno. I’m kinda blanking.

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Do people really want to mess up the land more or do we want a sort of healing from cataclysm?


Given the void elves’ Thalassian name, one supposes it would be something along the lines of “Ren’thalas.”

I want a focus on rebuilding and protecting the process. Getting tired of apocalypse, losing leaders, near destruction of a people, etc.

Not everything needs to be on its last leg.


Realistically if there is a revamp there has to be a destruction event for us to fight.

Also the land masses won’t be changing… too much… because thats probablly too much work.
But re-texturing? Flipping zone assets, like swaping one tree model for another? It is possible. They don’t need to seperate zones by mountains anymore due to game and technology reasons so a revamp could be financially possible if Blizzard is desperate enough to get people back into wow.


Capitals expanded and fully-fleshed out in full sub-zones akin to Boralus, and sub-sections dedicated to questing and expanding the culture of the people who live within.

Using Stormwind and Orgrimmar as examples, they have ugly barrier mountains surrounding them from their vanilla zone design incorporation. With modern hardware and the evolving of the factions, they could be removed to add more districts to those two cities.

Like Orgrimmar could remove Kargath Bay altogether as a “dock” by blowing the entire mountain facing the ocean and just incorporating Iron Horde assets to create an Iron Dock for the MU Horde, which shows all the engineering and industrial capabilities of the current Horde in full display.

Shamans might’ve overtaken Ragefire Chasm and now it’s a spiritual section for people to commune with elements, though they get annoyed by the ceiling conveyors bringing supplies out of the refineries below. Etc.

Stormwind could incorporate more districts to properly represent how it’s no longer a singular kingdom’s city, but a refugee haven for almost every human kingdom, the high elves/void elves and now the Night Elves as well. Because as it stands, these cultures aren’t properly represented and only really exist in passing mention.

Just look at any mini-map of the cities surrounded by land barriers and you’ll see how much space is available to be used, if they’d be willing to use it.


Destroying alliance lands? Sign me up at any day. They deserve nothing but suffering.

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I am not opposed to it.

I hear alot of lamentations about Teldrassil. They usually go:

“Oh, Blizzard is so mean! I spent time in a pretty spot there, and now I can’t do that… (well I can with the Bronze Time switch… )”

Personally, I like that there is real danger in the World of Warcraft.

When I hear Forsaken fans complain about losing Undercity, it is more along the lines that the Forsaken were dropped out of the story completely. The primary actors of the Forsaken Story were Calia and Derek - two folks who just joined. They decry being ignored more than the loss itself.

Living in Vegas, I have seen my share of Hotel demolitions. Places I ate. Places I stayed. Memories of places that were blown to bits. Some people enjoy a static world with no loss or advancement. I like that we should value and enjoy what we have before it gets taken away.


Personal preference. It can also be incredibly demoralizing and against what people may want from the story. It can be like questioning why people often want to see the hero win all the time, at least by the end.

I wouldn’t enjoy a story that basically undoes the entire BC Blood Elf story just so a few characters can do more with some added angst and sorrow. They could have just been given character arcs regardless. And something that just makes it seem like Blood Elf culture basically is on its last generation would be awful for me. We don’t need the world reduced to at best “Silvermoon Town” and “Undertown” sections added to Orgrimmar, or some Nightborne couch surfing.


You got to be careful with the Sunwell when you “taint” it. In the interest in not trivializing our history with the Sunwell it will have to be destroyed if it is tainted and it will have to be destroyed very quickly.

Maybe the act of destroying an unstable Sunwell could tear a hole into whatever crap show realm it is linked with.

If you successfully taint the Sunwell you will poison an entire race. If you force us to destroy it you will make us sacrifice the most vulnerable of our society(again).

I don’t oppose messing around with the Sunwell but there are rules to it.

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The Lordaeron subcontinent is the most interesting region at the moment imo, and warrants a revamp. Ideally it would be accompanied by some sort of Gilneas Reclamation event, and Gilneas could serve as the Alliance’s faction hub, e.g.

  1. Genn Greymane lands at Keel Harbor with the PC, the Gilneas Brigade, and contingents from the Silver Hand and Cenarion Circle. He is greeted by Darius and the GLF forces, currently stationed in and around Gilneas City, who only hold a tenuous grasp on the rest of the peninsula.
  2. The PC assists the paladins and druids, lead by Celestine, with cleansing the Headlands and Northern Headlands of blight damage, while battling/curing infected wildlife and destroying blight monstrosities that have spawned over time.
  3. Genn and Darius move into the Northgate Woods & Emberstone Mine area to subdue a roaming pack of feral worgen that broke from Bloodfang’s control and now inhabit the forests. The PC assists in defeating the Packleader and dominating the ferals, later cured.
  4. Genn and Lorna lead the Gilneas Brigade to base of the mountains at Tempest’s Reach, where the last remnants of the Forsaken invasion have fortified themselves, Hiroo Onoda-style. Between the GB and the supporting druid and paladin forces, the last holdout is defeated.
  5. Gilneas City is formally reclaimed and government established. Darius is appointed/reinstated as Lord of the Northgate region, Celestine as Lady of the Blackwald. Genn visits Aderic’s Repose.
  6. The Kul Tiran fleet ferries a mass migration of Gilneans back into the kingdom, supported by builders from Stormwind and Khaz Modan. A rebuilt Gilneas City serves as a new faction hub.

I know we’re not supposed to talk to Erevien, as his RP is too deeply embedded, but I wanted to ask something.

The question I direct to you, Erevien is: How far does your RP go? Does it include the intentional slaughter of Human, Elven, Dwarven, Gnomish, and Draenei children? Honest question.

Drustvar utterly cleansed of the Witches and corruption. Fully revitalized and repopulated.

My idea:
We return after Shadowlands, and 10 years have passed. World revamp. Many things are different.
But most important one, is tat Night Elves have a new starting zone with a new capital city, in Moonglade.


I’d take gilneas back and have silverpine be split between forsaken and worgen for questing purposes.


Yes. The entire Alliance needs to be purged. Until all of Azeroth is Horde controlled.

I want to see every Troll ruin rebuild, from Tor’watha, Zul’Aman, Stranglethorn, the Hinterlands update Jintha’alor, making Zul’dazar into a real city etc.

No. People want to update and fix it.

WoW could need a real cataclysm, Like FFXIV went trough. Destroy the whole world and rebuild it.