What if we took Anduin and made him a superstar?

And gave him the personality of Stone Cold Steve Austin?
He can break through glass, do a lumbering walk of power and spew out catch phrases in cut scenes?

And that’s the bottom line because of the Son of Wrynn said so!

I have a better idea…


Personally I wish he stayed in the Maw. Let his situation really have time to simmer. The really dark side of me wants to see him trauma bond with Sylvanas since she is both the villian and a victim herself. It’s the most toxic and unhealthy of relationships and dark as frick…but I’d love to see the writers dare to go that dark.

The worst idea is to continue to perpetuate the toxic masculinity dudebro. We got enough of that with Garrosh and early Varian. Seeing heroes broken and beaten and stories result in bad endings is what the story needs more of.

Read the title and thought you wanted to give him a flashy coat and make him do a lot of singing and dancing…

as Greymane once told Anduin: “I can make you a celebrity…overnight!!!”

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She’s dead bro.