What if we all made ff form accounts and…

I would like to believe that, but my faith in humanity is not so high. I think if people are given a platform to speak on, any platform, and there are no rules in place that such a platform quickly becomes filled with vitriol. I feel as though the forums on square would be an absolute mess if it was not moderated, just as they are here.

Not to say I think all people are like that, just social platforms with a large audience tend to attract such behavior.

Crug, this is a rather intriguing idea, and while I have long awaited a chance for us forumites to avail ourselves against the denizens of the FFXIV community, alas, I cannot join you in your noble crusade. I must continue to monitor and defend these forums against hooligans and ruffians of which there have been no shortage of lately. However, I hope you will succeed, and that the final fantasy players will feel the bitter sting of your lash upon their cheeks.

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If anyone does this id say you are seriously butt hurt :rofl: and need to get a life.

Yeah, kinda my point. You either heavily regulate or you become the wow forums.

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Squeenix actually moderates their game and player’s behavior, so good luck with that.


Yeah, they would need an active sub and character to do it. Also level a toon so they can post, and then make a post a day, then get vetted to make more than one post a day.

IE unlike the wow forums SE only lets committed players onto the forums.

Pretty sure Bobby fired all (a huge portion) of non-dev people to get a mad bonus.

As to FF - I really dont see FF as all that much of a threat to wow, its just the last man standing and wow itself has dropped so far in quality and away from what players want its the closest MMO alternative right now.

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Yeahhh… Nooo… They actually take player feedback and do things with it. They just won’t tolerate the behavior WoW is known for

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It’s not FFXIV mains making FF threads on the WoW forums. It’s WoW Mains voicing their frustration by talking about a game they’re having more fun with.


They’re not. There’s a lot of crap that actually flies over there. I will give them this though, they don’t censor swear words.

Some do.
Some play TBC
Some still have time left
Some ran out of meaningful content…

Its a pretty fun game. You can play both of them. Its crazy, but true.

WOW will defeat WOW.

I suspect there may be more ffxiv posts in the next few hours due to the servers being down for the next 9 hours. I guess I’ll log into WoW and raise my renown and possibly unlock flying.

I am certainly starting to see a HUGE up swell in dissatisfaction with wow (I know I am just one avid gamer among millions but on aggregate its getting bad for blizz how long before they address community concerns on just how bad things are going… hopefully not just another Ion apology tour where he says “we need to do better” then keeps doing the same, I dont think wow will survive that).

From media outlets like PC Gamer (Narrative a disaster),
Content creators like Asmongold and Bellular (Multiple videos each cuts right to the bone), from the insane amount of attention FF14 is getting right now (I love FF7 and FF8, I grew up playing them, FF14 to me doesn’t offer me what I want to get out of wow… games like POE, DOTA2, LOL ).

I think its just the culmination of Ions hubris of ploughing ahead with a design we all hated (covenants and ripcord stuff)…

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Funny they don’t talk to the community… They will talk to the top 5 guilds of the world first and all the great things coming from that…

We are all just monthly revenue…

Assuming you meant to say “Forum Accounts”. Unlike WoW, FFXIV has strong moderation both ingame and on the forums so if you “troll” you will get banned really quickly. In fact the moderation on the FF forums are so problematic that ppl do not even post feedback there. GL though.

You can’t post on their forum with a free account. Plus why would you want to do that. Be better than these FFXIV trolls. Just let people like what they like.

See thats just it though, they make stuff that the world first guilds absolutely HATE!!! the Shard of dominance system was god awful for them, it works directly against the skill and preparation those guys do… its also terrible for casuals like myself, who have to get RNG on RNG to actually get a set and items with sockets.

Also it compels people to run LFR for shards. Its just bad no matter what your level of play… these are the design decisions being made.

Personally I stopped paying attention. I was cracking a joke could care less about top guilds.

But if that’s true wow lost touch with everyone then and really needs an intervention.

I came to wow before TBC dropped. I was playing FF 11 and was looking for a game that was easier to play.
FF11 you needed a group for everything. Leveling yup. That quest to break you level you needed a group. I will say endgame was so much better in FF11 then wow… but I had pvp in wow.

For my honest opinion the current design of wow is lazy without taking the full opion of the community. I also would not mind having longer periods of time between expansions as long as the quality was too knotch…
More mini events
More use of the current world
Less systems that just don’t make sense
Getting back to actual toon development no just gear.
Get back to what wow did for years… They started going on the good formula with MOP.

You don’t need an expansion to drop a race or a class, or a new dungeon…