What if they forced everyone

Honestly I never understood why it became an indecent reference. Like, why would anyone call someone they’re attracted to daddy? :face_vomiting:


Sure why not

Obviously a completely hypothetical scenario… but I’d likely be the toxic one and just trash on everyone trying to do WQs. Lol PvPers have much better class knowledge and imo are much better at the game then the average PvEr.

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I would hope they give us some heads up so I can be un-subbed for that month.

No real reason to be out in the world outside of heading to the raid/m+ portals - so probably wouldn’t notice it but I would probably still unsub because it’s a horrible idea.


I only play on war mode, i really cant remember the last time turned it off, for me thats the fun part about the game

I’m always in warmode anyway. I like murdering my foes.

I would look forward to reading the “WoW Playerbase drops to a historically low level” articles on MassivelyOP while running dungeons in FFXIV.


I play a blood DK so it really wouldn’t matter to me most of the time. People would actively avoid messing with me.

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If Blizzard started doing that then it isn’t entirely unlikely that I would quit the game completely. I personally have no real issues with War Mode in all honesty, but the moment that Blizzard would start to “force” people to play in one mode or another … that’s when I’d quit. The community (one of the few things where GD and in-game players actually have similarities) is already behaving as if Blizzard does this and I seriously don’t care to have the developers themselves trying to dictate these sorts of things.


played on a pvp server before nothing will be different

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Business as usual. I never turn it off anyway (unless I need to group outdoors with a friend who is too nervous). Warmode isn’t nearly as bad as the forum-pacifists claim it is anyways. People like to act like it is nothing but goon-squads of the other faction going around ganking and corpse-camping everybody. That is actually much more rare than certain types around here want to admit (if they even know, I think a lot of them never try Warmode and just make wild assumptions).

*edit: Just look at all these replies of people that won’t even play all month over it. :roll_eyes:

Trust me folks, it ain’t that bad. And once everybody is forced into it, you will see a lot people just leaving each other alone.

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yep they don’t want to start a massive war and be targets for a while
on pvp servers after the fight they just leave and wave if bump into each other

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And me, stirring the pot.

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i would absolutely love it… best times ive ever had in this game are in world pvp.

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Eh. I’d be ambivalent. I don’t mind world PvP. The downside comes when you have to take an extra 3 minutes to fight over a gathering node, or get delayed summoning people at the dungeon entrance. That’s usually where it gets to be most annoying. I’m too old for those shenanigans to be amusing. Nobody got time for dat.

Nope. I would probably drop WoW for that. Even if it was only for a month, forcing Warmode on people would definitely make me switch to FFXIV full time.


Really depends on which server you play on, I think.

The faction imbalance present on a lot of servers would make it trivial.

I would be like “whatever” since all I do in this game is M+, which means log in, sit in Vald, repair, then queue for a dungeon, fly there while phased or be summoned.

Unless the Horde are literally wraiths flying through the air one shotting, I will never ever see them, even if Warmode is turned on permanently.

The problem is not War Mode, it’s what they’ve done with the population on a technical level.