What if they forced everyone


New event in 10.4

Everyone must RP walk through Goldshire. And emote things. If you survive you get a Tshirt

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


I would cancel my sub for a month and sit it out.


Emote “things”. Uh huh.

from Imgflip Meme Generator


:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


I’ll dig it up for you and link it on Discord.

I should probably see if I even have that series up right now. If I do, I’ll schedule a free download for you on Amazon.


How cool! Thank you!

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You’re welcome! I just messaged it over to you on Discord. :slight_smile:

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I would legit wear something akin to that lol.

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The game would lose what few people remain to FFXIV.

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forcing me to PvP is possibly the best way to get me to stop playing


Hell no.‎ ‎

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That’s just another day for me so sure, why not lol.

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I’d probably skip playing that month. I’ve never really enjoyed WPVP

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ain’t nobody wanna deal w that

I’d quit the game.

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You just want easy targets for those bad at PVP, no thanks, broski.

Restricting it to a single zone lasting a couple hours might be better. Then it moves to another one.

Y’know, literally like the Blood Moon event.

Edit; oh and, if it’s going to be enforced on everyone, it could also force the same power lvl onto everyone, to give people a chance and not turn into a camping fest.

Sure, but I’d stay in instances and take a break from world content.

if they want to reward me with one in game item that isnt attainable anymore, yeah, I might put up with it for a month.
if its just allowing myself to be irritated by bored 13 year old kids keeping me from leveling an alt for craps and giggles, hard pass.

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