What if they forced everyone

Forum pvp is better than in game pvp :crazy_face: :popcorn:

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I would not sub for that month.


Itā€™s also super unhealthy and can cause vomiting/diarrhea. The better solution is to train your dog to take medication by hand.

Sincerely, a vet tech/dog behaviorist

Something something force the willing.

Iā€™d skip that monthā€¦I hate PVP.


Just normal wow to be honest. With flying pvp is 99% avoidable.

I think it would be a good idea to go back to PvP on PvP servers, but it would mess with sharding I bet. They would have to redo server sharding to accommodate server types and populations.

But I would love to go back to that. I miss world PvP on the servers I play on. The characters I have on non-pvp servers would get transferred. Blizz could prob make a little money on character transfers lol

PvP servers were fine when you have friends to back you up or to call upon.

Not so great when youā€™re on your own :frowning:


Iā€™d play it, especially after the most recent PVP changes for cloth wearers and the fear/root damage increase, lol.


Oh youā€™re so naughtyā€¦moon
wiggles toes

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I could use a break. PVP just isnā€™t worth logging in.


does it work on pizza?

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World PvP is poorly designed in retail. You can just queue for instances over and over and always have a free exit. Itā€™s nearly impossible to die in WM w/ out going AFK. They need to do a better job of locking players into combat out in the world.

please stop this

Is that not the reason why you donā€™t wear shoes?

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You should.
Iā€™ve been in your head forever.

wiggles toes

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I mean, I donā€™t do any open world content so I could still avoid it. Would I ever engage in PvP? No. I do dungeons, raids, and thatā€™s it.

If Iā€™m giving my dog enough cheeze whiz or peanut butter on their daily medication to cause them to have vomiting and diarrhea, then Iā€™m 100,000,000 million times more incompetent of a dog owner than any living toddler thatā€™s apt to knock their PBJs, Oreos, fruit snacks, cups of spaghettios and chicken nuggets to the floor for the dog to gulp up and consume before a parent can get to it.

So I apologize. Iā€™ll go relinquish my dogs to more adept ownership right away. Thanks.

Stay in town where War mode is disable and just queue content and have someone summon me to dungeons and raids.

I would totally still playā€¦ maybe not be up for helping summoning people to dungeons for a bit thoā€¦ haha