What if the game did something for you on your birthday?

I don’t know what. Something minor. Like, a note from your faction leader or maybe you get a slice of cake that gives you some minor buff for 24 hours. I dunno. Would you want the game to do something for your birthday?

PS Totally not writing this because I’m alone on my birthday and no one remembered it. Definitely not! :neutral_face:


Happy Birthday!

:cupcake: :cupcake: :cupcake:


I would feel sad because the only one to care about my birthday was a video game.


Well, first off Happy Birthday, mine was last Friday so yay! That would be kinda neat, just alike a little cake in the mail, or something, with a note saying happy birthday from whoever.


I’d love the option to play as a Dryad for twenty-four hours, on my birthday! Mylune would be my best friend and we’d go on all sorts of quests to save critters and punish wicked meanies who cut the trees.



Gnome singing telegram one time use item.

And Happy Bday


With what I have seen so far in the game, I have to humbly decline.

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Well happy birthday from the random internet people!

It’d be cool if it did something like this.

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GW2 has bday gifts! and theyre pretty rad


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Happy Birthday Peppermint!

I think this can happen, I have a Priest named “Nosocks” and during my Birthday I sent an email to Blizzard stating I was upset that my Priests toes get so cold, and as an Undead he already has bad circulation and the end of his boots are always missing!

Well a few weeks later we had the Feast of Winter Veil, and I got given some green woolen socks! I was literally floored!

Everyone got socks yes, but Nosocks felt VERY special that year!




(sings Peppermint the happy birthday song in squeaky Gnome voice and gives her a lovely basket of cookies)



I don’t remember now if WildStar had birthday gifts. Probably. I mean, they gave you stuff just for logging in each day. RIP WildStar.

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I’ve ordered a Birthday clown for you, they’re on their way:


I posted something like this on my birthday, last week, but the immediate privacy concerns became obvious. I mean, aside from everyone potentially knowing it was your birthday (if you got like a birthday hat or something), the game side of things would need to know your birth day, not just if you’re over 18 or not. And especially in Europe, this can be legally problematic.

Now, your WoW-versary, on the other hand…

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I’d rather not advertise my date of birth to the world…of warcraft.

(I know that data is in a server waiting to be hacked, but at least it’s not being advertised right now.)

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Happy Birthday friend!

May all your mount drops be frequent and your gear always be of the most epic quality.
Have a happy Varian to boot!


I’d be… somewhat annoyed.
I’m, IRL, kinda on the older side, as in 62. For me, personally, a birthday is less “Yay, I’m a year older!” and more “Dammit, I’m a year older and that much closer to being dead”.
I kinda don’t need a game I use partly to feel a bit younger again reminding me that that’s not the case at all.

Also, geddoffa my lawn.

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Happy Birthday!

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Firstly, I hope you have the happiest of happy birthdays!!!
And I wouldn’t mind it, if it was an “opt in” kind of thing. That way folks who would like it, get it, and folks who don’t want it, won’t.

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