What if Sylvanas is the Hero of the Shadowlands?

if You pay attention most people have no issue with what you say will happen. They have issue with your constant victim complex.


Crack open some of the old whiskey and watch the Forums explode.


I mean I don’t really understand what you mean with that because that’s tied to the fact that the race I play is the victim of the writers’ personal vendetta. I can’t really change it


Normally I ignore most of what you write as more or less trolling, but when you write things like this I worry that you have a serious persecution complex and should seek help.


She gotta die.


Because I’m pointing out what’s obvious ?

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Because you are so convinced that it is obvious.


Because that’s all you post about. It’s literally the only thing you seem to care about. If blizzard has done you and the night elves as bad as you say why do you keep going?

For me they ruined this character’s race in the same expansion they introduced them in. I was like lame, and moved on. They essentially ruined the Horde in this expansion, and I’m over it. It’s really not healthy to obsess so much over something you have no control over. It will always disappoint.

I don’t deny you might be right about everything, butI hope you’re wrong and the night elves get a great story. Regardless, constant posts on the forum about it, and only it, help no one.


Obviously not what Blizzard wanted. “The horde is nothing” sounds pretty clear to me. Even if they do redeem her, she won’t be a hero of the horde. That ship has sailed.


It’s not me being convinced about anything, it’s that it IS obvious and we have proof for it.

That hope has died the second things were datamined on the Alpha. That said, I probably will be gone soon since I probably won’t be able to take it much longer, the only reason I sticked around was because I hoped for the Night Elves to get ANY positive development in Shadowlands, but yea now it looks like it was a foolish thing to do.
In short, I sticked around because I was hoping for things to get better one day and then I would have also had a vastly different and more positive view on things, but now that ship has sailed.

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I’d love it, Maw Covenant now!

The rest are so lame. Bastion is all around just an entire snoozefest with all the duty and loyalty and blah blah blah… We could have had something great with Maldraxxus, but nope they have to be the “defenders of the Shadowlands” or whatever it is they were described as instead of being all about rolling out armies to conquer all the realms of Death. Ardenweald is just the Emerald Dream but Blue, and the whole “redeeming souls of their sins” shtick of the Venthyr is just as boring as the “duty and loyalty” of the Kyrians.

Let’s just get the option to go crazy and join the Maw. Honestly it’s a far more appealing option than staying on the same side as the Horde or Alliance after BfA turned the Horde into Baine’s Hugfest and the Alliance still has the most absolutely mind-numbingly boring characters ever, a niche that it will soon share with the Horde anyways.

Let’s just get the option to revel in the villainy and edge, it’s far more cathartic than all the goody two shoes elements being shoved into every aspect of what the player can be a part of.

The more I have to pretend to care about defending Azeroth the helping the helpless the more I just want to have all my toons jump off a bridge.


I fully expect this to happen. First, because Blizzard has always portrayed her as a morally twisted and yet sympathetic character. Second, because she even says it to Bolvar “This world is a prison, and I will set us all free.”

In her own mind, she doesn’t think she is a villain, in fact, she thinks she is somehow helping people.

It is weird to me she keeps saying “Death claims us all” and “He will serve death” because since the end of Wrath, death has been her main adversary. Her entire motivation has been for the purpose of avoiding her punishment in the Maw, not to end up serving it. Sylvanas has NEVER been anyone’s servant, and she has only ever played the role of a subservient to further her own goals.

I am not sure how I feel about it. I think I don’t mind it for the character, but what annoys me is all the edgy Sylvanas loyalists are going to feel vindicated. Even though none of them are Loyalists due to any sort of foresight, only because of blind fealty. It doesn’t matter.

From a story perspective it would be kind of cool as long as no one gets scolded for doubting her, and so long as her crimes are not white washed as good.

Genocide, torture, enslavement, and treachery are all bad things. Sylvanas should be unapologetic about it, but the crimes themselves should not be downplayed. That, I think, is the aspect of that sort of story that I do not trust Blizzard to tell. It is too nuanced for their otherwise Black and White style of story telling.


Then they are as clueless as people think they are?


You have this backwards. Saurfang was working for the Alliance.

Ion mentioning Sylvanas joining the Maw covenant is the one thing giving me any hope for this expansion. I hope he’s subtly implying that we’ll have the option to join too, as an avenue to remain allied with Sylvanas.


They could have done a decent redemption (á la Illidan) if they hadn’t hit her so hard with the villian bat. Now? Way too late.

(I guess maybe they could do it as a “last scene” where we never see her again. But her character is ruined, time to move on.)

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Our whole FACTION is the victim of the writers’ personal vendetta. You aren’t special.



Atleast your faction can continue to exist…

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Yep, just checked. Night Elves are still an option on the character creation screen.



She can be a hero for the Horde as long as I still get to put her head on a pike.


Yea, but they’re still close to extinction and if the writers keep giving Night Elf zones to the Horde like they did in BfA (and they will), they’ll soon have nothing left. Tyrande is dead soon too, it’s going downhill rapidly