What exactly do you think it would do? (Side note I had to put a space in so that it wot allow me to post, apparently supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is too long of a word for the forums.)
It’s probably what removes pants in transmog.
This response wins the internets today.
Let us jump into a chalk drawing on the sidewalk.
turn everyone into this.
It would send a message to the class devs to tell them they were doing a great job when in fact they were not doing a great job.
" So when the cat has got your tongue there’s no need for dismay (here-ye)
Just summon up this word and then you’ve got a lot to say
But better use it carefully or it could change your life
One night, I said it to me guy and now I’m that guy’s wife"
… - Songwriters: Anthony Kenward Drewe / George William Stiles / Kenward Drewe Anthony / Richard M. Sherman / Robert B. Sherman / William Stiles George
It would make your character appear higher level than they are.
Why is this always the longest word that comes to mind? What happened to “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?” That actually means something.
Because proper nouns don’t count.
I dunno what it would do aside from probably breaking macros.
/cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] supercalifragilisticexpialidocious; [@target,harm,nodead] supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Error: macro will self destruct in 3… 2…. 1….
It probably summons my minions. It seems to somehow synch perfectly with the cast times of my minions!
Yep it’s a summon minion spell without Fel Domination!
Does 0 damage but doubles ur dps on meters/logs.
It would make you feel precocious, of course.
But you have to cast it loudly.
It’ll be a five second spell cast.
I would have to create a macro explicitly stating it’s entire name every single time I cast it.
It would pick your own wedgie and give you a permanent a$$ cushion to play wow on.
tbh sounds like a fancy mage outfit or some sort of food