What if stormwind teamed up with gurubashi

From my understanding of the lore the Zandalri use to be top dog of the Troll Empire before it fell now most other tribes mock and distain them for their fallen glory.

It would be an almost near impossibility to rally all the troll tribes under one banner again but if someone did they would have a force to be reckoned with.

If the mechagnome player population is any indication, nobody wants more gnome allied races. Especially the horde. I’d say undead night elves or…eredar?

As for the topic, the gurubashi are a xenophobic and a declining people. Their strongest allies are the zandalari and they’re with the horde. They live in ruins and have been wiped out twice. They aren’t going to give up their historic and only ally…for humans.

Was this really the case entirely though? Or was it more they said yes to Zul because of the prospects of getting their land and prestige back?

I am however assuming that sadly this is probably the direction that it will go in, since the new Darkspear customization allows you to look more like other trolls I think.

Alterac Humans.

Yes they could. Strange things happen in history all the time. Nothing stays the same. Alliances are forged and broken constantly.


I would love it. It would tilt the whole thing onto a new axis, and that would be refreshing.

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Because you’re a bad Troll.

Nope I’m a Darkspear, and I don’t care about insults from Edgelord Elves!

Exactly. It would be a refreshing change of pace and a bit of realpolitik from both the Gurubashi and Stormwind!


And it would also alter some of the deeply problematic issues WoW has around coding of groups and persisting narratives that reinforce… uh… REALLY problematic real world ideologies.

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Nobody cares what you think either. Doesn’t stop you from making thread, after thread…after thread…

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There are people who responded discussing the idea, and plenty of my threads have gotten support and encouragement, so I believe you might just be speaking for yourself in your silly mask :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah, that’s what the forum is here for. If you are not interested in the topic of the thread you don’t have to reply to it. Yet here you, replying to call me a troll simply because you don’t like my idea. I encourage you to reply to or create topics that you wish to discuss, and ignore those you have no interest in.

Now since you are not discussing my topic, and simply trying to bait me to make me mad, I am done replying to you. Have a good day. :v:


No, I don’t mean an internet Troll, I mean you’re a bad TROLL because you don’t think Troll grudges matter.

I was discussing your topic. Your idea is bad because you don’t understand your own race.

I think the Horde at Grom’gol are probably less belligerent than the Gurubashi just by virtue of being a nothing-settlement. I find it hard to imagine Turalyon building up the strength of a major, powerful historic enemy just to swat what amounts to a small fly on Stormwind’s back.

That said, when Yrel rocks up with her Lightbound looking to unite the world whether they want it or not, the trolls will be a great candidate for lightforging.

I think Stormwind burned that bridge when they stole the Gurubashi land north of Stranglethorn, and also had Medivh blast a whole army of Gurubashi trolls away.

There is no stolen Gurubashi land.

Everything in Elwynn forest was once part of the Gurubashi Empire.


Key words, was once.

Yes, it was, up until the point Stormwind stole it.

No, it was until they stopped claiming it.

i see no reason for a teamup. no real reason.

Given the trolls violent opposition to Stormwind prior to the first war, i’d say they still claimed Elwynn, even after it was lost to them.

Their violent conflict is described as the Trolls being upset for humans even being nearby, not for claiming anything they had at the time. And it was a big to-do that the leadership of Stormwind didn’t want to go into their territory or have a full scale conflict with them.