What if stormwind teamed up with gurubashi

I would have to dig. But to me they seemed equivalently placed. That there was certainly a deep animosity due to prior conflicts.

(Commentary): In that case why not bring in the Saberon to the Alliance? Heck, Turalyon could Purge the Trolls from Stranglethorn Vale and hand over their lands to the Saberon as a new home. It’d suit the panther, tiger, and lion ones pretty well. Only the snow leopards wouldn’t quite work there, but Turalyon can push the Frost Trolls out of Dun Morogh and let those Saberon live there.

Minor note, but he’s not. We saw him in Return to Kharazhan, and in the BfA prepatch Khadgar stepped out of the story when he went to Kharazhan again to talk with Medivh as to what to do about The Wound.

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Oh yeah I forgot about the Return to Kharazhan thing.

I mean, they could. I’m not sure they would, but they could. As for the Amani, I think the “Them Joining the Horde” thing is suggested because they don’t really have many other options left. They are trapped in between what is now BE territories and what should have been Forsaken territories 3 expansions ago. Granted, the Forsaken are in a bit of an iffy spot atm.

The only other groups in that region are the Gilneans and the Wildhammer, the latter of whom is also an invader into the ancestral Forest Troll territories of the Hinterlands. Aerie Peak was their new capital, they moved in and took over. So I doubt the Raventusk, Vilebranch, and what remains of the Witherbark are fond of the idea of teaming up with them.

I know exactly what your response to this will be of course, but the Gurubashi have very little incentive to join the Kingdom of SW; nor would SW be all that thrilled with accepting the Gurubashi with how they operate in warfare. If you’re as worried about the Horde infringing on Troll sovereignty as you seem to be, then you better be sure the SW Humans would infringe far more.


Yes, you do know what my response will be. The Gurubashi have just about every incentive to join Stormwind as the Amani do to join the Horde.

Well, it depends on what you mean here. I am not worried about anything cause it’s fiction. It’s more like what directions do I think would be cool, interesting or better for the story to go in, and what I sympathize with.

Firstly, I think it would be cool, and from the stand point of being a troll fan, and from the ways are trolls all one people with common history and religion and cultures, to see the Trolls united against both factions. But that isn’t the story they told, and very clearly they’re not gonna tell it in the future since it would involve basically turning Trolls into their own faction, and Blizzard has an insane MKULTRA experimental obsession with keeping players divided into only two factions and having them hate each other.

Brings me to my Second opinion, which partially inspires this thread, being to shake things up then with the Trolls. Instead of having them just all die or join the Horde, why can’t some of them join the Alliance for a massive shake up and change of pace? You know, break some of the tropes of both the Alliance and Trolls by giving the Alliance one of the “monster” races (who happen to be coded a certain way) and also by showing others Trolls willing to work with groups such as Humans? The Gurubashi came to mind because they’ve been left sitting for years and nothing done with them and because they share borders with Stormwind. Unlikely because of the trope of both these cultures hating each other and “racial grudges”, but actually rational because of how mutually beneficial it’d be due to their close proximity and the access to resources both would receive.


Yeah, I sort of gathered that you’re very much a Troll fan, and not so much a Horde fan. So the idea that there are Trolls joining the Horde for those defensive pact purposes, even if it pits them against some of their own race, must be a little frustrating. You want a Troll Exclusive Faction that is ramped up to show the unified Troll people are as powerful as both the Horde and Alliance. Which … excluding the Horde Trolls (who I would assume would betray the Horde), that means … 22+ Distinct Cultures and Races. Pretty ambitious dream I’d say.

Regardless, with how the Gurubashi operate in War do you really see the Humans of SW not infringing on their cultural sovereignty more than the Horde would in any hypothetical Alliance?

EDIT: And here I am just wondering what on Azeroth is going to happen to the Farraki with what happens to Meuh’zala in SLs? They just lost a major Loa, and Bwon is now the uncontested Loa of Death by all indications. No more necromancy for them I guess?


I know what your are trying to do, but I doubt Blizzard will ever give certain races to the other faction. Humans, dwarves and orcs and trolls are decidedly never crossing over to the other faction.

Also, the Alliance has more “monstrous” races than ever been. The draenei are literally demon looking goat people, we have the Dark Irons and Void elves. Lets not forget the worgens.

I am ultimately a fan of a lot of things in the game… but I am increasingly with every day less a fan of the “Faction” system and the way it works despite it supposedly being the “foundation” of the game.

It just depends.

They’ gonna become forgotten and probably never mentioned until they revamp the world again and need to make them villains in Tanaris again probably

The draenei count to an extent but they’re still like friendly light worshipers.

I love void elves actually but they’re still elves.

They have a human form


Two questions:

  1. Does the Alliance get Hakkar? I mean The Worgen, The Void Elves, and The Dark Irons were all supposed to make the Alliance edgy and all but it didn’t really stick. Can we give Hakkar a chance? The only downside will be when Anduin tames him for a Hunter Pet but I am fine with that.

  2. If the Alliance is getting a variant of a Horde race, the the Horde needs a variant of an Alliance race. Can we give them Sand Gnomes from Uldum? After what N’Zoth did to Uldum they need a new home and Voldoun should suit them quite nicely and they can team up with the Vulpera next time some alliance people show up with terror totems and make them hallucinate that people are setting them on fire.


Alleria would convince Turalyon Hakkar will be fine since just like the Void it all depends on perspective.



Pfft no.

Gurubashi would be more likely to side with the Horde given the right chance.

They’d take one look at Vulpera and nope out.


More like the Zanadalri would threaten to slap them out of existence and force their Alliance however temporary it may be to knock out the Alliances main capital.

They ain’t slappin nothing out of existence. All the more reason to team up with Stormwind too.

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I mean, they’ve turned themselves into Cat people using the power of the Loa before … they have no room to judge. Plus, once you get past their fluffy exteriors the Vulpera really could not be more of a generic Horde race in concept. They’re a ex-slave race with a savage edge, some shamanistic norms, and a tendency towards rugged suvivalism. They’re kinda boring tbh…

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The Gurubashi already have some of their people in Zandalri.

They wouldn’t respect them as much nowadays but if the Alliance threatened to take Stranglethorn Vale off them they would ask for their help.

You mean the “thugs” that the Horde player kills at the behest of the Zandalari?

Or maybe a smart leader of the Gurubashi would realize it is much smarter to suck it up and side with Stormwind, and then purge STV of the Horde… and maybe even eradicate Booty Bay and turn it into a Gurubashi port.

Edit: this would be a cool beginning to the next faction war actually.


Doesn’t mean all of them are wandering the streets looking for a fight. Somewhere in that ruin of a city they would have a quarter or lord that suppost to manage them.

Their lack of decorum in Dazar’alor was simply blatant disrespect for the pathetic Rastakans shoddy rule.

That’s going to be near impossible to do since the Gurubashi threatened to overrun Stormwind in a tide of troll flesh during Medivhs hayday.

Y’know, that’s something else that comes to mind.

If the Zandalari held a spiritual leadership among the troll tribes, to the point that if Zul asked them to do something, only Vol’jin dared to say no, then if they threw their lot in with the Horde, does that mean all trolls are in the Horde?

God damn, was that all one sentence?