What if monks can transform?

Like brewmasters can transform into a smaller version of the Ox, wind walkers can transform into the Tiger, mist weavers can transform into the Serpent or Crane?

The transformation will only last for a short amount of time but it can allow us to use the special skills of the Ox/Tiger/Crane/Serpent!

I mean, one of the Jade Fire Masters can transform, and we are supposed to be the Grandmaster of the monks of Azeroth therefore in theory we are way more powerful than the Jade Fire Masters, so it is not too strange for us being able to transform!

Or would that make us too similar to demon hunters and druids?


Not at all thematic to the Monk class. Lotta people hate it enough as it is with WW becoming more and more like a pet class in recent years. Xuen, SEF, Fallen Order.

I’d agree if it was in the same style as say… Udyr from LoL. he doesn’t become the aspects, he channels them like we already do. Pop a cooldown and you get a White Tiger aspect/spirit hovering over your shoulder that mirrors attacks or alters ones you already have in some way. Maybe, would have to be a choice node with Xuen.

Becoming a tiger ala Druid forms? No thanks.


Nuff said…

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Another option is to have the celestials as martial styles.
Or if you are talking about the current celestial cooldowns, rather than transforming you into them instead you could just have a visual akin to the celestial. For Yu’lon it could be a mist swirling around you, Xuen could be lightning coming off your hands, Niuzao could be your skin glowing gold etc… this way we get rid of pets, aren’t quite transforming and whatever abilities the celestials were bringing, we now inherit for the duration.


I’ve been leveling an enhancement shaman and the similarities are uncanny. Transformation is a better option than pets, however, it seems like there should be a better option than either.

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I’d be down for like the sprit of the animal kind of coats you or hovers over you in the outer lines glowing only but hollow visual kind of way? I’m not sure how to explain it. But an ability where your movements and animations are the same but then the animal coats you and the motions line up in a more animaly way where you feel like “ohh thats what that was. I thought my brewmaster was just drunk but thats very cow. Soo very cow”

Like this? https://imgur.com/h8QMuCU


Oh yeah that! Perfect!

If my Monk was Udyr-like I’d play it way more.

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Yes please.

Ultimately I think this is a much better way to tackle the celestials as opposed to them being pet summons.

For me it would definitely feel way cooler and interactive if my character had whatever abilities the celestial brought and just imagine the aesthetics :heart_eyes:. Also makes it less susceptible to AI jankiness and CC.


Monks should always be about their own bodies being the ultimate weapon. Do away with the pets, if they want to incorporate the celestials so bad do something simple like maybe Serenity or Invokers delight merged with Invoke Xuen being reworked visually where you do that taunt/yell animation with the sound of Xuen roaring and you begin to glow blue with lightning around you, attacks infused with lightning damage on top of the haste it grants.

The whole pet/statue crap needs to go. The only one that made sense was SEF(the original one before casual crying ruined it forever) This class doesn’t feel like a monk. Focus on the monks physical and spiritual prowess being their lethal weapon.


Been saying this since Legion. The only reason Monk has been “fun” is because of bugs or certain effects being way overtuned.

Unfortunately at this point, it’s clear that whoever is the designer for Monk as a class needs to go. Or at least let them be responsible only for Mistweaver, and give Windwalker to someone who actually cares and will do a good job.

(Brewmaster also looks in decent shape today – better than where they were in Legion.)


It’s still jarring reading that their design principles behind STILL having Hit Combo a thing is they think it’s a test of player skill. Like… what? It’s just our mastery with the added annoyance of a maintenance buff that can be dropped because of boss mechanics with the result of a decent sized dps loss.

I don’t think I’ve heard something so out of touch from a design focus in so long.

The only way hit combo could have anything to do with skill is if it was reworked into a talent that would make you WANT to repeat an ability.

Or at least make it something fun like a chance to grant a free RSK/BOK that does reduced damage for burst reasons shortly after performing one or the other that doesn’t break the mastery bonus. Could reduce the number of situations where the martial arts master whos physical body and spiritual ability that go beyond normal mortal limits gets gassed and energy starved after 2 tiger palms. A monk should be a never ending hurricane of rapid blows. Right now its more like a pet summoning street brawler.

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Please stop trying to make the Monk class convoluted.

Monks are simple creatures, they punch and kick and use their chi powers to enhance themselves and others.

Monks aren’t a pet class. Monks aren’t Transformers.


I wasnt thinking transform per say, but more like empowered and fight as enhanced versions. This would of course replace summoning celestials.

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yeah, i dont understand why some people think its some complicated or intricate thing. it ONLY affects using two black out kicks or spinning crane kicks in a row.