This is a what if discussion thread. Where a situation would be posed to everyone. With a question at the end. Try your best to answer or discuss other peoples answers.
This is purely for fun to play with hypotheticals, there will be no need to directly insulting other players. But any discussions are free for debate. That being said. Lets have fun!
Sooner or later they would have become more connected with nature and probably would have become a little less savage I would guess. End result would probably be orc druids
What if, blizzard had spent the WoW profits on servers and systems to fix lagging and crashing instead of 10 other games that have ultimately been failures in comparison to what WoW was doing for them?
They’d start, but then have bontani PTSD and soon revert back to their innate, biological tree chopping ways
First off i say “peace with the night elves?” Bah!!
Night elves left our ancestors to be slaughtered by the kol’kar and never lifted a finger to help.
That being said. With the taurens help i think it would lead to a different horde that what we have now.
Infact im fairly sure we would more than likely have Nelves be neutral enough not to be in the alliance but at the same time.
Hell some of the landscape would have changed as Orgrimmar would have more lumber then we orginally had, so which means bigger and stronger buildings. Also because of the replanting agreement Nelves and tauren would have helped make durotar green eventually.
The horde might not have taken in the forsaken most likely due to pressure from the night elves just to maintain an agreement.
Eventually, i think sylvannas would have almost no choice but to enact a plan to make the plague to use on all the living.
Hell based on the events of WoW. Most likely would be that the forsaken would have been attacked on two fronts by the scourge and scarlet crusade as well as the alliance.
Not sure if the events of varians return would still be the same. Or Onyxia, but i know blackrock mountain would be. Ahn’quiraj would proceed as normal but with fewer alliance in silithus because of the strong horde pressence lead by High overlord Saurfang and a strong bond between the cenarion circle and the orcs.
Burning crusade would be interesting. Because without sylvannas to get the blood elves into the horde. I could see the blood elves being turned down and the Belfs would end up back in the alliance again after much much *** kissing.
Draenei would most likely end up part of the alliance only for their hatred for orcs, but most likely being close the night elves but with the elves being neutral they would suggest the same and guarentee protection just in case.
This is a whirlwind of major changes. Im curious to think how this all changes…
This immediately came to mind.
What if you see a runaway tram moving toward five tied-up Forsaken lying on the track (all we know is they’re Forsaken) . You are standing next to a lever that controls a switch. If you pull the lever, the tram will be redirected onto a side track, and the five people on the main track will be saved. However, there is a single human baby lying on the side track. You have two options:
- Do nothing and allow the tramto kill the five Forsaken on the main track.
- Pull the lever, diverting the tram onto the side track where it will kill one innocent, human baby.
Which is the more ethical option?
That’s funny in that the Orcs and Ogres are descended from Grond and were single-mindedly programmed to destroy the Botani and turn Draenor into a desolate wasteland… can’t be a coincidence that the Orc weapon of choice is an axe.
I don’t think the Orcs needed help from the Night Elves to get the lumber they needed… They just needed to better utilize the resources available to them and give the Tauren a more prominent role within the Horde power structure and culture. If the Orcs wanted to redefine who they are and go back to their Shamanistic ways, the Tauren provided a perfect template of how to accomplish that. They even have their own druids - teaching the Orcs druidism would have helped with the lumber shortage. Thrall screwed up making Garrosh the warchief instead of Cairne, and the Horde is still suffering the consequences of that mistake.
As far as using lumber for the construction of Orgrimmar, given that huge parts of the city are actually carved into the mountain (see: Siege of Orgrimmar), this seems like it would have been a better approach given that the Orcs also have plenty of Shamans at their disposal to help shape the earth beneath the Valley. Stone and Iron are not only superior building materials in the desert landscape, they’re also much more readily available. The insistence on using lumber makes no sense.
Im a Draenei, from Exodar;
As far as I have come to know, not all orcs joined GulDan in his Reign. From what my reading into orc/draenei relations, we used to have a very profotable and prosperous time co-existing on Draenor.
personal note thank you orcs for teaching the draenei about the elements.
Remember that im refering to alot of pre wotlk.
So old orgrimmar which was mostly barren city.
And this would be on the basis if Thrall FULLY embraced his shaman side after the events of Hyjal. And saw the benefit of of using more powers within nature.
While it would not be an immediate and drastic change to their culture but if someone like thrall decided to go for more of a shamanistic approach after the 3rd war. Im sure Saurfang would agree.
This does not mean there would not be conflict but im sure alot of it would come down to individual disputes rather than full out major conflicts. Similar to WoW during the horde and alliance cold war that was going on through Vanilla for the most part.
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