What if flying were *slower*?

This is probably the worst lesson you could take from flying. People don’t dislike flying as a concept because it’s too fast, they dislike it because it allows you to skip a significant amount of the game and makes the world smaller as a whole.

Simply slowing down flying mounts wouldn’t change that.

Not quite true. 310% flying did exist, but it was limited to some extremely rare mounts, like the Violet Protodrake and I believe the Raid Mounts like the Plagued/Black/Rusted/Ironbound Protodrake and Mimiron’s head.

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If the world is so unengaging that people want to skip it, perhaps it’s time to look at the world design.

Or perhaps it’s time to just accept that running around a mountain isn’t actually content.


I think it comes down to the fact that no matter how engaging you’d make the world, people are always going to take the path of least resistance.

People really liked Timelost Isle, but if you could fly there and skip the jumping puzzles, or circumvent some of the more annoying areas, or just get to the rare mobs faster, you’d be stupid not to.

No, op. I’m not with with you on this. Flying doesn’t need to be slower. As a matter of fact I spent a LOT of time getting the Long Strange Trip achievement so as to gain 310 flying speed. I have no intention of seeing my time and effort wasted and tossed aside to to satisfy your whims.

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Some people will, sure. The goal oriented min-maxers who really just want to log in, accomplish XYZ, and then log out to do something else will absolutely do that.

They will do that no matter what you do, and if you force them to do anything else they will complain.

But that doesn’t mean the other 90% of players who are actually here to play the game and enjoy the time they spend in it are going to skip everything. They’re going to do the things they enjoy, regardless if there’s a more “efficient” path to take. Just like I always do Grizzek’s Rocket Hop during incursions, with the rocket pack, even though I can fly and don’t need 370 gear on any of my characters. I find it fun. That’s why I’m playing.

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The only time that running around the mountain is Content is when there is Stuff happening. Writers and the like tend to gloss over the boring parts of a story.

If travelling around the mountain accomplishes nothing for the story, then any good writer worth his salt is going to gloss over it with a simple 1-2 sentences saying what happened.

“After two long and frustrating days, they reached their destination.”

Travel only matters when something of interest happens.

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Yes, exactly! Can we tattoo that to the dev team’s foreheads?


I’m working on writing a story and while there may be small details that may be of interest to me as a writer, I skip over them because I know the reader will be bored to tears.

If Grizzek’s Rocket Hop took 10x as long as simply not doing it, would you still do it for the incursion?

If the “fun” talent gave you 10% of the DPS of a passive talent, which required no further effort from you, would you take it?

If you could resist the temptation of taking the easier path, then congratulations, you’ve got a far stronger will than most people on this planet. Realistically though, people are going to take the most efficient route they can, especially if it doesn’t require more effort in doing so.

Because there was a treasure chest every 5 feet lol. And every mob, especially elites dropped a account bound epic you could send to alts. People you know may have liked, but I would say just as many didn’t care for it either. Heck I know several folks that just went there for rares, and treasure to throw some gear at some alts, and never went back to that cesspit lol.

Since I’m pretty sure not doing it would take NO time, and doing it takes time, obviously the answer is yes. I don’t NEED to do the incursions at all.

DPS is an apples to oranges comparison, because that’s not about content, and it’s also positing putting myself at a disadvantage (I do not consider playing the game for fun a disadvantage). If I’m only doing 10% of the dps, can I even complete the content I want to do? I think a more accurate comparison would be if the talents were the same DPS, but one was active and one was passive…at which point, if the talent was fun or flashy or otherwise amused me, yeah, I’d probably take the active version.

Why would that be a more accurate comparison? My entire point is that choosing to not fly sets you back significantly in terms of efficiency.

Choosing not to fly isn’t the choice between an active and a passive talent that do the same DPS. It’s the choice between taking something like Drain Soul compared to taking something like Deathbolt.

You might prefer the gameplay of Drain Soul better to Shadow Bolt (I know I certainly do), but you’re massively gimping your DPS if you don’t take Deathbolt because it’s just objectively better in every way.

So we have gone through Denial, certainly spent some time in Anger, had a decent bout with Depression and now we are at the Bargaining stage.

What if we had to wear blue in order to fly? Maybe we can fly but only backwards?

The next stage is Acceptance. Looks like the devs are home free.

Imma be back in classic remembering the time before they knew they could strip every ounce of fun out of the game and still make their quotas.

Who would this satisfy, besides the people who hate people who think flying is fun?

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First off, Wrath was not the first expansion to limit flying until reaching a certain goal. You couldn’t even buy flying in B.C. until level 70, you lost me after the bear with me here part anyway.
So I am just going to say NO, NO, NO, NO, and for good measure, NO.

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It would satisfy upper management. MAUs would be higher since it’d take longer to get things done.

Actually it was removed in patch 4.01. You could purchase cold weather flying at that point at level 68. Cant remember when the Tome of cold weather flying was added though. 3.1, 3.3 maybe.

Some people simply break the cycle by going “Bye, Felicia!”

And if this happens too many times Blizzard will be left with a “Why are we having so much of a problem keeping players? The game is obviously good. I mean the investors are happy, so that means its a good game, right?”

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PVP, well not everyone dabbles into PVP or I should say Warmode. So for those that never turn on Warmode. This pretty much a no-brainer in not wanting to take the slow boat to China route of flying. I did not flying until I could afford to do so. I did not have Cold Weather flying until long after Cata was released. I did not have 310 flying on the bulk of my alts until very into MoP or the first part of WoD. I created a server with Alliance characters for Legion and I did not have 280 flying on them until the near the end of Legion and they all have 310 flying now. In most cases, I deliberately held off going above level 60 flying across all my characters through the entire expansion of Wrath. Not everyone flew when they were given the ability to do so. Flying was not cheap and for people like myself, that knew nothing about making gold when I first began to play gold was pretty tight and it was only when I created a lot of alts that I began to make a ton of gold. I would gathering I played longer than most without the ability to fly than I have spent time flying in this game. In other words, I have spent the majority of my playing time from one expansion to the other on the ground while others were up flying above me. Made farming a bit of a challenge, but I did alright.

Just make it like Pilotwings on the SNES. Have to catch air currents and stuff to stay aloft.