What if flying were *slower*?

what if. and get this. what if we went back to how flying was with none of this pathfinder BS… wow what a time to be alive that would be.


No not on the contrary, you are asking Blizzard to change flying and have yet to do Pathfinder at all… you’re asking them to slow flying down when you don’t even have flying yourself … so be quite, earn your right to speak about flying like the rest of us did … you wanna stay on the ground like a scrub that’s on you!

so you would much rather have NO flying for ~12 months and only get to fly for 12 months than my idea which would negate 90% or more of the EXISTING CURRENTLY LIVE down time?

It’s kind of funny how oblivious you are to how the current system works.

I don’t want Laundromat metered flight, which is what you’re proposing. Expansions have been lasting approximately 2 years. Given that I got Pathfinder Part 2 July 14, and BFA started last August, my flight time is ok by me and it extends to all Alts over 90. The only reason I could think of anyone finding your a idea a good one would be if they were incapable of even getting Pathfinder, for whatever reason.

ok so 11 months of no flying out of ~24.

also the mid tier version of my idea already exists in game on Mechagon, just 10 mins shorter and no auto reset on landing.

What is wrong with letting mounts Glide during the, in theory 120-130 leveling process?
What is wrong with having a 30 mins of flying that resets in a few seconds during the 11 months we normally get no flying.

Is a 1 hour air time such a big difference that you would notice? that timer would rest every time you landed.

if anything it would have people able to get off the ground so soon after launch that herb and mining would be 100% efficient at the low tier vs the final unlock due to all the landing. the ground barriers would be negated during questing so early that It would have the same impact as giving flying with no pathfinder in the first place because people would be flying in 2 days.

Your idea of a timer serves no practical purpose.

Because you know the longest amount of time I’ve ever personally been in the air of my own accord? Under 5 minutes. So a timer is kinda pointless unless its like 5 minutes or less. It also adds more things for the game to track without any positive gain.

And the more stuff the game has to track, the more data that is being sent, which means the slower things run.


I can already fly in Mech as long as I want. I have 310 flying speed so outflying the aerial oppressors is nothing.

We already have goblin gliders so I don’t see what gliding has to do with this. Every idea you bring up has 1) already been developed, created or incorporated as a utility within the game or 2) is centered around not being able to get a relatively easy achievement that is organically earned during the leveling of my main.

The suggestions you’re rehashing would have those of us who achieve, flying far less and those of you who don’t want to bother, flying minimally more than you do which isn’t much since Pathfinder isn’t something you do.

Flying should be unlocked as soon as you do the loremaster achievement for each zone in a given expansion. That way, you’ve “experienced all the content”. Anything longer than that is artificially increasing peoples playtime, and its a dick thing to do.


which is exactly the point.
Negates pathfinder without getting rid of it.
if the game doesnt start to lag out tracking your under water breathing or the anti gravity packs on mechagon then the game certainly wont lag out tracking a trivial timer.

If it serves no purpose, then there is no reason to implement it.

Besides, considering Blizzards hatred toward flying, if they implement a timer it’d be under a minute of flight followed by a 5 minute debuff.

The purpose would be to eliminate the long down times of no flying.

in the same view. the only purpose of flying is to allow players to burn through the content faster than it can be produced.
the only reason it cant be removed out right is because players won’t give up the power.

even if Bliz used your example of a timer, it would be more flying than what we have, as long as the pathfinder trivialized it or removed it.

Except that kind of a timer would kill the desire to explore. Imagine a stop sign every 50 feet as you’re going to work.

I don’t trust Blizzard to do things right, especially with how much they hate flying. Because it means they have to do extra work to make the world feel alive.

And they’ve demonstrated with many changes over the years that they want to do nothing more than 10 minutes of shuffling papers but get paid as if they did 3 hours worth of back breaking labor.

Anything Blizzard does EXCEPT turn it into “Loremaster + Exploration” will be milked and abused BY Blizzard.

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have you seen the chairs? 10 minutes of shuffling papers sitting in those is the same as if they did 3 hours worth of back breaking labor. ;D

so its less about the idea being implemented faithfully and more of a lack of trust they could do anything at all to make it better without making things worse?

So its better people cant fly for for 11ish months each expansion than to try something different as a compromise.

I’m not saying that. They offered up a “compromise” that was anything but a compromise. It was an ultimatum.

I don’t trust them to create a fair compromise. Because they’ve openly made it clear they hate flying. So they’re going to go out of their way to try and make getting access to flying as unpleasant as possible.

So any compromise will be twisted and abused by them to a point that we end up losing even more than we’ve already lost.


Exactly. Why would I want something that’s is going to subtract from my ability to use a feature I currently enjoy? Especially as suggested by from what it sounds like, someone who perhaps didn’t finish pathfinder. A person who deems the achievement too daunting to complete is naturally going to talk it down. There’s a vested interest in doing so.

They should increase the flying to 500%.

I don’t mind Pathfinder. As a concept, it works admirably. Its the artificial delay between part 1 and part 2 that is the issue.

And that, along with other things, makes me distrustful of Blizzard trying to offer up a “better” compromise. Because I “trust” that they’d find a way to abuse it and make things even worse.


M.O.P did it with the flying rings so it can be done BUT GASP you would need to put in extra work so flying can be more then transport.

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Nope, faster, not slower, sooner not later, as it right now.

same as ground mounts buy once, ride forever.

That is the only acceptable way.


The only real reason flying is necessary is for the army of alts.