I think you want a different kind of game. Plenty of survival games out there where you can eat and drink to your heart’s content.
Reality check: Wotlk you could fly at level 77 once you bought a book from the flight master.
I am pretty certain you could not pull Ion’s head out with a tractor and a 55 gallon drum of astroglide. He is completely onboard the “content so compelling it has to be mandatory” train that was designed solely to stretch out content so they can skimp wherever possible. Gotta make those shareholder bucks!
I know. But WoW could be a lot of fun with survival elements added to it.
I agree completely with this. It gives people the opportunity to fly SLOW to get to where they want, or get on their ground mount to get there a bit quicker. If they slow down the game just a touch it’d be drastically different in a good way.
Sexism… misogyny… you use those words but… I don’t think they mean what you think they mean. I’m pretty sure there is, literally, no misogyny in those parts of the game. At all. And those words aren’t words you toss around because you’re upset and bothered by something.
Also, I hope Brack is eating crow now. I’m hoping he paid for some classes in communicating better instead of speaking with arrogance and that horrific smile that makes people dislike him even more.
Him and the “don’t you have cell phones” guy who isn’t even worth mentioning his name.
Although, to be fair (Letterkenny: To be fair-uh) – if we want raw unfiltered opinions… this is the outcome.
flying should be 500% since we had to wait until halfway through the expansion… expansion isn’t exciting as it is… waiting almost a year for it made it even more tedious to endure.
I’m not going to compromise with an issue that Blizzard 100% fabricated to begin with.
TBC introduced flying, sub counts soared.
Wrath had flying, the game peaked.
Cata just sucked.
MoP started bad, but people came back around ToT, despite the fact they could fly.
WoD tried to remove flying, everyone left.
Legion continued Pathfinder, nobody liked it.
BFA has pathfinder, nobody likes it.
So, flying is provably not bad for the game, and removing/limiting flying is provably not good for the game. Why should I accept a compromise when the proven solution exists? Are you telling me that the designers of the top fantasy MMO aren’t imaginative enough to implement it?
If the world was more engaging, fewer people would be bothered by no-fly.
I mean, while Wildstar had some horrible ideas, at least they made getting around easy. Sure, some of the jumping was cartoon level, but it was Fun exploring.
Your idea (both of them) are too mechanical to be palatable. The first feels too metagamey and the latter would only benefit those who know how to make gobs of gold.
Sorry, but survival elements in games tend to be poorly done. Because eventually you hit a point where it becomes a chore. It’s no longer fun at that point, its just a checklist you have to follow which detracts from the rest of the game.
I’ve played a number of survival games, and the only time the survival aspect feels compelling is right at the start when you don’t have resources. But once you build up a decent level of resources and know where to get the spoilable resources, it ceases to be compelling. Then its simply busy work that slows you down.
Well I agree with you that the ideal solution would be to make ground gameplay engaging enough to keep people grounded voluntarily.
That’s the problem with the game right NOW. They’re doing everything they CAN, timegating, rep grinding, RNG, all in the name of slowing players down.
Slowing us down even MORE would not improve the game, but rather detract from it.
Because our time is valuable and when you refuse to respect our time, we become unhappy customers. And that’s bad mojo, man.
And that’s why I would suggest survival servers with special rules rather than a universal implementation. If you like it you can deal with it and if you hate it you can opt out.
Maybe if there was a mount for a “Scenery Quest”. Where after you’ve completed the quest you got a mount at a top speed of 60% Flying speed so you could go sight seeing around WoW. But I certainly wouldn’t like the flight speed of anything else slower. That would take a lot of effort for WoW to do though, so I doubt this will ever happen.
Not really, it means that you haven’t even finished the activities that would be required to unlock pathfinder. While you may be doing some grounded activities you’re accomplishing them at a much slower rate than someone logging in every day, remaining subbed and engaging with content. How is again that your opinion should be deemed so relevant in terms of content development and features provided?
It’s kind of funny how oblivious you are to how this sort of idea would wreck a sub based game. WoW literally almost went under during WoD when they entertained the concept of not introducing flying in current content at all. People hate it when you introduce a feature that is universally popular and then attempt to remove it for no logical reason. As customers their universal response is “Who are these people kidding? I just won’t use them for x product or service anymore.”
I just wish flying physics made more sense. Like, let’s start at whatever speed you were going before and accelerate from there. And change max speed based on inclination. Flying horizontal? +310%. Flying straight up? +100%. Flying straight down? +800%. If you’re travelling slower than your current max speed, you accelerate and your mount flaps faster or it’s engine works harder or whatever. If you’re flying faster, your mount either glides or dives, depending on how much faster, and slows down slowly (far slower rate than acceleration).
(If you hold down space, you add +100% straight up vector to your current flight vector for your direction, then adjust the magnitude to the resultant inclination.)
This would make flying feel natural and intuitive and be an overall improvement to the flight system, but would also make it so that flying was NOT the natural choice for shorter distances. Especially if, instead of slowing flight down, you made ground mounts MUCH better.
First, separate the Mount tab into separate tabs: Stables and Aerie. Mounts that are hybrids (Gryphons, Wyverns, Hippogryphs, JC Panthers, etc) appear in both tabs, and are different spells depending on which tab you’re in, so ‘Snowy White Gryphon (ground)’ is different than ‘Snowy White Gryphon’, which is the flying version.
Make ground mounts cast in half the time. If you’re on a hybrid in ground mode and want to fly, you have to recast the flying version, but this doesn’t dismount you like it does if you cast a new mount. Going from flight to ground mode is instant cast. Flying mounts only move at +80% on the ground. Hybrids in flight form move at +90% on the ground and +280% in flight. Hybrids in ground form move at +100%.
Give ground mounts “can interact with objects while mounted”.
Finally, make ground mounts castable in combat. And allow mounted combat- for all spells for “mounted” classes/specs, and for limited spells for “foot” classes/specs. Give foot classes buffs (shorter CD on Blink/Charge/Heroic Leap/Sprint, +100% Ghost Wolf Form speed, etc.) and other anti-mount spells (Hamstring, Deep Freeze, Shadowstep, Earthquake dismounts, etc.).
Mounted Classes:
- Paladin
- Warrior (Talent choice between mounted or Heroic Leap)
- DK
- Hunter (Can ride ground pets. Lone Wolf buffs Cheetah massively)
- Priest
- Warlock
Foot classes
- Warrior (talent choice)
- Shaman (+100% ms for Ghost Wolf)
- Rogue (can Shadowstep onto mounts behind rider, forcing them to dismount or aoe to deal with rogue)
- Monk
- Demon Hunter
- Mage
- Druids. Give travel form unique abilities (Kick, Stomp, Bite, Skull Bash) and limited instant heals and spells like Renew, Roots, and Moonfire.
Overall, this would make ground mounts the optimal choice for questing. Instant acceleration, mounted combat, picking up quest objects while mounted, and staying mounted while turning in quests would be BETTER than flying around. At the same time, Imagine diving off a great height on a flying mount, watching it pull its wings in like a peregrine as you accelerate down, only to glide across the landscape at ludicrous speed.
The problem with Flying v Ground mounts is that Flying mounts are STRICTLY BETTER. It’s like RP walking vs running. One can do everything the other can, but better. The two types of travel need to be separated and optimized for their intended purpose, rather than one simply being always better than the other.
Here’s an idea. Stay with me here. What if they stopped time gating flying and instead made content that actually requires it, like they did in the past???
I’m sure that would be just engaging as following Khadgar’s Servant around Shattrath was back in the day.
Flying should definitely be slower for druids. They should not be able to fly at mount speed. Druid flying should be maxed at 2x ground speed. Also flying could be more interesting if there were hazards, like random attacks and weather incidents.