This is really more thought-experiment than actual suggestion at this point, since this is practically impossible at this point.
But I look at the cool new Dragonriding mounts and the insane customization there, and I can’t help but wonder what if THOSE had been the new race/class instead of the “Dracthyr”?
I mean, if they were scaled-down to roughly similar size to a Druid bear-form or something, I feel like that could’ve worked.
This is maybe a BIT smaller than I’d go, but a decent idea what how the scale could’ve looked:
My thinking, it would just REALLY deliver on the “playable dragon” fantasy, which is honestly something I still think is a super cool idea. But the “Dracthyr” definitely aren’t proper dragons, and feel like kind of a letdown by comparison, personally.
Like Druids, my thinking is that you would revert to your “Visage” form for most non-combat functions and animations. But to me, this would also COMPLETELY justify them “not wearing armor” or anything like that. Because I mean, if you’re an ACTUAL freaking dragon, no one would expect them to wear normal armor (whereas the Dracthyr, being humanoid, clearly should).
Similarly, I don’t think there would be any expectation of “can they be other classes/races/whatever”.
I dunno, it honestly just seems like it could’ve made a REALLY cool approach to have gone with.
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I kinda like the Dracthyr, honestly. If they had a Dragon form I wouldn’t say no, but I find the way they look pretty neat. I’m still hoping they get a “flying mount” that is just them flying.
Mind you, I’m a bit biased as I still sub to an MMO with playable actual Dragons, so I tend to get my fix there. I find the novelty of the Dracthyr interesting. 
The Dracthyr still just look sort of… “off”, to me. And I still hope they open up the ability to wear normal Mail-armor.
But even as a huge RPG fan, I honestly can’t recall any other games that let you play as an ACTUAL dragon, unless you’re just using it as a mount. It’s certainly possible I’m just spacing, though.
But it seems like it could’ve been a really cool idea to really leaned into the idea. Like, Deep Breath is thematically very cool, but something about it looks a little silly with this tall, skinny lizard-person just flying through the sky. Everything about the Dracthyr just look kind of “weak”, to me.
Full-on dragons just seem like they could’ve been really though. Neither here nor there at this point, I suppose, it’s not like the option will exist now, when so much has gone into the Dracthyr. But as a what-if scenario, I think it would’ve been insanely cool to have had customizable dragon forms, and then your “Visage” just be any other race (or again, at least those native to Azeroth).