What if Blizzard increased sub price and was able to push for better content like previous expansions

I’d pay more if it meant a better quality game. This doesn’t live up to current cost imo.

Walk through an old zone like ashenvale and tell me it does :no_mouth:

If they ever increased the sub price with out making the server stable enough for at least 50v50 open world battles that wouldn’t crash the server I’d actually freak out

Blows my mind that the server wouldn’t crash in wintergrasp back in WotLK and now 20 people start doing something in the same proximity and the server has a stroke

Dude, what is up with these posts lately? I keep seeing people asking to pay higher prices and assuming that it will automatically translate into better content.

More content, maybe, but better content? I feel like we’d just be paying them more for WoW, and they’d use that to buy commercials to promote new exciting esports tournaments for Overwatch 3: The Mobile Version.

I think it’s better to ask for what you want, and say you might be willing to pay more for it, rather than asking to pay more and hoping that it translates into getting what you want.

I guess positive mentality kind of thing.

I would have to see more and better content before I would even think about paying a higher subscription. I mean if Blizz did start producing more and better content than raised subscription costs, fine, but if they raise it then say they would I would be very skeptical and reconsider playing.

increasing the sub price isnt going to to fix the game nor make it better, the game is a system at this point, designed for sustainability, if everything in the game is systemic, Blizzard has no reason to mess with it.

What if they took the obscene amounts of money they already make and put a bit more back into the game. Specifically into the low level devs pockets instead of the man with a multi million dollar bonus.

Blizzard just gave CEO 200m.

They have the funds but they don’t seem willing to use them.

No. I pay more for WoW than I pay for Netflix and Spotify combined and neither Netflix nor Spotify have ever not delivered since I first got them.

Are video games different than movies and music? - Absolutely. However, in the world we live in, video games compete with other forms of entertainment and with each other - for people’s spare time. I think WoW still profits tremendously from the pandemic and even more people would’ve left SL already if it wasn’t for the fact many types of entertainment are simply not available atm due to the pandemic (shopping days in the mall, bar evenings, cinema, festivals, concerts, gym, etc.) depending on where you live. Despite the situation we’re in being pretty much optimal for a gaming company (lots of people are at home with nothing to do), it hasn’t managed to prove itself or hold itself up. Tons of people I know left the game - some to wait for 9.1, some for good.

I am aware that it has probably been harder to develop and finetune SL during the pandemic as well, so I’ll give them that, but I don’t think the problem is that they don’t have enough money.

Things like the valor system for m+ could’ve been in the game when SL launched. Giving people more anima from all sources could’ve been in the game since launch. Bigger loot drops in raids and m+ could’ve been in the game since launch (in fact, they would’ve just had to NOT do anything about it). We’ve seen Blizz nerf and buff classes since SL launched yet the k.o. Comps in PvP don’t seem to have been touched substantially. Maybe instead of the tiny adjustments to other classes and specs they should’ve focused on the big scale balance issues first (which is a matter of time management and prioritizing, not money).

So, no, I would not give them more money for doing the job we expected them to do for the money we’re already paying them. Would you give your employee a raise because he promises to be a better employee in the future?

The biggest issues with SL - in my opinion - aren’t the tiny zones or the dungeons or raid. Honestly, the raid + dungeons seem to be what people have consistently liked since launch. What’s off is balancing on all levels - classes, specs, covenants, soulbinds, torghast powers, etc. - and the investment/reward ratio for everything except maybe rated PvP (though I can’t speak to this cause I don’t PvP, but people seem to be happy with it… Unfortunately, this happiness seems to be diminished by the great class/spec imbalance though).

Most people I know just do not feel like Blizzard respects their time anymore and quit or are taking breaks for that reason - and that’s not the result of small zones but deliberately making wqs take forever, not fixing buggy wqs (flowers in bastion…), bad loot drops in m+ and the raid, the vault not being sensitive to what you already have/secondaries, anima being horrible to grind, torghast being great for certain classes/specs/roles and horrible for others, the maw being punishing^2 (one dimension of punishment might’ve been enough), flight paths specifically designed to take forever with oribos as a hub, the constant getting dismounted in oribos for no valid reason, some rsvps for the ember court having been a huge drag to get (im sure there’s equivalents for the other covenants),… God even the different adventure tables/adventurers are imbalanced and some terrains seem to have been designed to actively waste people’s time (cliffs in Bastion, areas in Revendreth that are overly crowded with trashmobs,…)

Tl;dr: I don’t think money is the issue. I think they’re not respecting players’ time and it’s too obvious this time around - and money would not fix their philosophy.

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How much did WoW use to be?

The things they do, they do to themselves. They overcomplicated things that don’t need to be so complicated and spend a lot of their time on things that don’t really appeal to me. I liked WoW when it was simpler honestly. But I’m just one person and there are many who may think differently. I just don’t care for having 3 different systems to work on or the mission table or the World stuffed with things everywhere for world quests or mythic dungeons. I don’t like not being able to fly for so long either so I feel like they put even more time into designing the ground for silly little things like rocks falling down a hill you have to avoid or putting ropes in places so eventually you might be able to use that instead of running all the way around a mountain or something.

I think they waste the time they have on some things so no I wouldn’t pay them more. Lol

But again that’s just me.

We pay for the game. We pay for expansions to the game. We pay for a sub to play the game.

Just how much money should be expected to pay before we get the content we pay for now?

This is a company that nets 6-8 billion per year in profits and you want to give them more?

They would do the same as they are doing now too many cooks in the kitchen. Remember the biggest profession team wow ever had and they came out with WOD professions, lmao

They are garbo devs, with a high probability of average leadership. Majority of the talent left, only people who can hold their heads high are the art and cinematic teams.

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The WoW devs are doing the minimum required to keep people subbed while finding ways to extract money out of the current playerbase before it all comes to an end. WoW is no longer thought of as a long-term investment and they aren’t developing it as one. It is a step away from maintenance mode and it shows.

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Tell me why?! I would invest on something thats super expensive and gives mediocre experience, when there are other games out there that provide a better experience and cheap subs…hmm?!

It’s time to understand that WoW’s a Dead game. The popular ones are those old school classics…

I didn’t read 100 posts on this, but OP:

Cash is not a problem for Blizzard. They already have the monetary resources to completely change the life of every human on a small island nation. Literally. They could do that.

It costs far less to make a triple-A game.

What is happening at Blizzact is not question of available resources, it’s where the resources go. In America, that’s to the board.

There’s plenty of cash around this game. It just keeps funneling all the way up the food chain.

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It is already ridiculous that they charge this much per month for the privilege of coming here to complain on the forums. No justification for a raise in sub prices could ever be reasonable.

the issue isn’t money though. The issue is they are wasting too much time developing pointless systems that players don’t even like.

The systems are not needed. The way WoW was designed before in tbc-wrath was fine.

Absolutely none of what you’re asking really has anything to do with increasing revenues.

Not doing systems would save them money.
Most of the more popular requested features can reuse assets as well, which is not as big of a deal as people say it is, because do we really need the file size bloating more and more?

Throwing money at problems rarely work. They lost the old original group that made Blizzard great and brought in hacks like Ion and the D3 crew. Now we have more rng and more grind, time-gates and soulless content. The vision has been lost and I certainly doubt it can be fixed with Activision’s vampirism and a lack of vision from the lead devs.

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