What, if anything, would you change about the raiding experience?

A big red button.


Release all LFR wings at the same time. Just put prerequisites on the “higher” wings. Must complete wing 1 before queueing for wing 2.


Do whatever FFXIV does with their raid design: keep the bosses complicated and compelling, but make it take less people and less time to do them.

Quite literally the only reason I don’t raid in WoW anymore is because it takes up too much time to do and the roster of people you need to do it is too large to keep up. I’d rather be doing M+ any time I step into a raid, even if I find the bosses, mechanics, and raid zone/lore itself interesting and compelling.

I’m not 20 years old anymore and I can’t sit for a 2+ hour long period playing a game with maybe a ~5-15 minute break window in the middle. That just isn’t feasible for most people with lives and loved ones.


A better balanced progression tier of bosses. Heroic Ab is so weird in that heroic Zskarn is this monster (especially pre nerf) and fire Hydra is practically a free kill. In fact fire Hydra is even easier than the 1st boss.

Mythic raiding would be stat template characters balanced and tuned to the literal stat point (even including the single point differences races can have differently). All racial abilities and perks are disabled too. The mythic raids reward no power progression of any sort as they are purely challenge modes. No need for consumables or anything either meaning all a mythic raider would need to do is log and prog.

I would even go so far as to say that in a mythic raid, all addons are disabled but that probably means the raids don’t get cleared.

  1. Remove pointless (no RP value) trash.
  2. Respawn at the boss after a wipe.
  • Make bosses individually skippable after killing them.
  • No more spreadsheet bosses.
  • Flex-scaling Mythic up to 30.
  • Less trash.
  • Double/triple loot drop rate to bring it on par with M+ on a per-person/time basis.
  • Remove the raid lockout to address the M+/raid lockout disparity.
  • Remove Great Vault, or change it to be an insurance system like it was originally meant to be.
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If you wipe on the boss and you release, you are at said boss. No more running back, less wasted time.

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I’d make 10 man standard for raid seasons.

I’d also add mechanicly simple 40 man events that are queueable and can rotate as events similar to how timewalking rotates.

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Being able to do individual bosses through premade and able to queue normal (raid leader can still kick bad players). Also able to do just one boss.

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Remove dps checks and hps checks from most bosses… maybe not the last one… Remove raid wiping mechanics that delete the entire raid if one person messes up.

If a tank and a healer and three dps can survive let them carry the raid.


More loot from bosses so M+ spam isn’t as mandatory early season.

Also halve the weekly cap on crests so you aren’t done gearing week 3.


Remove loot lockout, and make raids queable except for mythic raids.

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This part would probably be a disaster.

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So… we just spam kill each boss, until raid is full bis? It sounds fun chain killing eggnog and council until 30 people have ring and icon? Yikes.

Cut out the middle man. Just mail raiders bis. Solves the problem of above.

No lockouts.

Just that the gear throttle would be an ilvl cap on the gear drops that increase week by week.

This way if you run ahead and infinite grind you just get depreciating returns that you’ll have to refarm over anyways the next week.

Maybe, maybe not. I like many people use to raid but stopped due to many different reasons, so for many reasons queable raids could succeed because former raiders who stopped due to life could que without committing to a schedule for a video game, or waiting hours for the group finder to not be declined or nobody joining your group for whatever reason

So… dungeons? We have Mythic +

So… people can just farm raids all week? I’m sure you’ve seen how people complain about having to run Mythics all the time for gear. This wouldn’t work out the way you think it would.

What bloat? The further you get into a dungeon, the harder each boss needs to be. If every boss was a tank and spank, people wouldn’t either not bother with the raids because they would be boring, or likely wouldn’t give much consideration to raids because they would be “too easy”.

I’ve mentioned this before as well. Seems silly to give people raid quests, but not allow a way to do them by yourself. Even if it’s just a “light raid” option (similar to a scenario) just to finish the quest, that would be fine.

I want to be able to raid with just one other person.

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What makes you think a queue would be more successful than the current in-game group finder?

Because nobody would be able to gatekeep people’s progress for any reason at all. I don’t pay the same fees as everybody else to be told you can’t play the game because I player 1234567 says so. It’s blizzards game and they should be the ones dictating who can access content, not the playerbase

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