I was thinking about Aman’thul, the guy who literally can create and see through timelines. I am not sure that our timeline is the prime timeline so much as it has been entirely cultivated by him. I was thinking about the Titans we have. He could have seen all the technologies, found one that allowed him to manipulate world souls, planted it into world souls of the different cosmological origins (Eonar being an Arcane being is weird… same goes for others), forced those souls into being what he wanted and created his pantheon.
Now he is trying to prune away all the stuff he doesn’t like. The problem is that the players don’t flow in the same time. As Elisande said " Time eddies about you fits and starts. Nothing is certain!" We don’t fit his timeline, we are the factor he can’t control but we seem to have great influence on the main story. If Azeroth is convinced by the players to keep fighting him, will he let her be?
What happens if the other Titans realize that Aman’thul has been manipulating them from being what they should be? Would they abandon him and leave him to be the Last Titan? Maybe he killed the original titans and he wasn’t alone to start? Maybe they wanted the universe to be free to do what it does and he wanted order because the chaos of the timeways was too much?
The problem is that there is literally a time-line where the Titans won, and according to the Titans, that’s NOT the right timeline.
Every single theory I’ve ever read about the Titans being villains falls apart the moment that timeline is brought up. They literally CAN win. That timeline exists. It’s not the one they believe is the right one, however.
I doubt Aman’thul is manipulating the other titans for that reason.
BfA. The Alliance “won” the Fourth War. It only cost them uncounted lives, most of their soldiers, Teldrassil being burned down, Darkshore and Ashenvale being despoiled and so forth.
That cost is hardly enough to make the victory feel worthwhile. Especially if you happen to be a time-based deity who can fiddle around with the timeways and try to find a less costly victory.
But there wasn’t really a cost in the Ulderoth timeline. It was total victory for the Titans. They didn’t lose anyone. Azeroth was entirely theirs. At most they had some wildlife going crazy and killing Watchers, but the Titans themselves had won.
I don’t think they consider the loss of the watchers to be a loss worth our current timeline.
I guess the question is, yes that timeline exists but is it the timeline that our Aman’thul considers the Prime Timeline? Perhaps the fact that he doesn’t have full control over everything isn’t enough? It is hard to say. There are probably a thousand such timelines. It isn’t “their” right timeline. Ask the Aman’thul in that timeline if it is the prime timeline and he will say yes.
I don’t know. I imagine that once you can see all timelines, it doesn’t matter all that much which one you’re from? Considering how much the Titans enjoy studying life and various phenomenon, I would imagine for Aman’thul, other timelines are just that.
In other words, through the Ulderoth timeline he’s concluded that it’s not the right timeline. The Titan’s, “winning,” isn’t the right outcome. Or at least, winning like that isn’t the right outcome.
So, the Titans instead died, because the timeline where they died was the, ‘right,’ timeline. They’ve since returned, yes, but it still paints a picture where they’ve come to the conclusion that their outright victory isn’t the right timeline.
They’re putting something else above their own interests.
If there’s only One Legion throughout all timelines, the same would be for the titans and everyone else. There might be variants sure, but our Aman’thul is the only one that actually matters
To Aman’thul. He can literally see what happens when the Titans win. It’s not the right outcome, and the other Titans are going with that. If it were the right outcome, we’d be playing the Ulderoth timeline as the main timeline.
Apparently there’s only one, or only one that matters, and as our Aman’thul can see all timelines, it doesn’t matter if he experiences them personally or not. He see’s where the river is flowing.
Again, there is a timeline where the Titans won, and Aman’thul said, “That’s not the right timeline.”
The Titans are literally putting whatever outcome the true timeline has above their own interests.
OUR Aman’thul says that isn’t right. Multiple timelines means multiple versions of Aman’thul, so he may think that the way that Aman’thul achieved his victory was wrong but that doesn’t mean that the alternate timeline Aman’thul agrees.
Unless we are jumping to a different timeline in which case that one sort of matters but not really? If we didn’t stop Gul’dan in alternate timeline Draenor where there any repercussions for our timeline?
And it’s the ONLY opinion that matters on the subject. Because no other variant can affect the main timeline because every single timeline, unless permantely connected to the main timeline will fade away on its own
AU Gul’dan was only able to affect the mainline time because Kairoz tied AU Draenor the main timeline, keeping from fading away naturally like it would have had it been left alone
Which is all that matters. He see’s all timelines, all possibilities, all outcomes, and certainly with far greater clarity than the likes of Elisandre.
There is a timeline in which the Titans won, and Aman’thul said, “That’s not the true timeline.”
It doesn’t matter what the other Aman’thul thinks, if there even is another Aman’thul to begin with. Whether that timeline exists because Aman’thul wanted to see what happened if the Titans won, or if it exists because there was a separate Aman’thul that decided, “You know what? The kid gloves are off, we’re playing for keepsies,” doesn’t matter.
The Aman’thul, the one that matters, determined the Titans winning is not the true timeline, and so the Titans have put the True Timeline above their own interests.
So based on Aman’thul, who at this point has been manipulating most of what we have heard about the titans to be positive only, he is the only version that matters because he told us we are the prime timeline?