What happens if or when the Azeroth world soul awakens to become a Titan?

Does the planet get damaged or destroyed in the process? None of the current Titans have explained what happened to the planets they were born from, have they?


The sword plunged into Silithus was an attempt to destroy the unborn titan. Chances are the world will shatter like an eggshell if it lived(s).

Ever noticed there’s no planet like Sargeras or Aman’thul in lore?

Cause they woken up and the planet cracks open

Why do you think there’s a planet called Argus and we fought a Titan named Argus?


Technically our World Titan is scrambled. Most of her body is infected, torn apart, and chewed by Troggs. :robot:

I think so too. So, even though we helped her in the past, the world soul is actually our enemy and we should do everything we can to prevent her from awakening.

We all become Space Oddities.

I’m putting 400 gold on Azeroth being a robot

:dragon: :mount_fuji: :volcano::robot: :dragon: :mount_fuji: :volcano::robot:

And now I have mental images of Unicron puking up babies.

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Have you seen the Marvel Eternals movie? Without spoiling it, lets just say Azeroth the Titan is too big to handle.


Yup, it’s the current WoW plot.
Zovaal is just Thanos too.

The planet didn’t explode when Argus was born, though.