What happens if I forfeit or flee from a “duel to the death”?

If I’m at like 2% and know I’m gonna lose can I /forfeit to dodge the death or just run from the flag? Or will that kill you too?

You can’t flee. Once you start the duel, you are perma locked as flagged to the duel person until someone dies.

Like an invisible wall? Cause what’s stopping me from running 1000 yards away

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You don’t lose the flag. There is no range. It isn’t even a normal duel command. It is Mak’gora (Duel to the death). You type /makgora

Okay so once again what is stopping me from like hearthing? Or running. If the duel really lasts until someone dies. You can challenge them run away. Find them in the wild an hour later and ambush?


You know if it doesn’t have a /forfeit or a range that doesnt cancel the duel, I actually have an idea. Two people makgora at the start of their journey and go to different leveling zones, if they cross paths they can try to kill each other or try to run away. Would add some extra danger and excitement.


Wait and see, or test on PTR. They said there is a lengthy pop up window for both characters upon doing the command, explaining it is permanent and the flag on each other will remain until someone dies. Each player has to even Type “I accept” afterwards.

Challenge someone at level 1, raid with them at 60, kill them before the loot drops, ez con


Reverse Soul-Link twitch challenge?

Both players level 1 Mak’Gora in capital and then one proceeds to start levelling in Kalimdor, other in Eastern Kingdoms. Maybe give like X hours grace period to scramble for Gear/levels, after the time is up it’s up to the individual to either hunt the other down or continue gearing while hoping they don’t become the hunted


That sounds amazing


so, is like having a lifetime rival?


That… that I like that.

That would be very interesting.

Im dueling and running. They will forever have to watch there back now


instead of asking on the forum where nobody has any idea because literally none of us have touched it, why not just wait until it starts and find out for yourself?


Remember tho… it is not /duel it is /makgora and you can’t do it till level 10

We would but they cant find a hamster to run the PTR right now. Hence why were asking. God forbid someone from the Dev team see’s it and answers. $hit just anyone from the company would be a shock to show up

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Right, no one is allowed to speculate anymore without getting flamed. Classic forums don’t disappoint.


I wonder what the rules will be. What if both parties stop fighting? Will a timer start that forces them to engage or both die?

LoL. I doubt that, but I suspect you’ll be at the mercy of your opponent.

However, what happens if you do run away or get summoned? Does that automatically kill you?

What is stopping someone from having 2 accounts. Getting to level 11 100 times and fighting their own character to the death to collect ears?

They will hunt you, forever, day and night, you will not be able to sleep.

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