What happened with faerin lothar weekly?

She doesn’t have a weekly this time, what happened?


Brinthe has a weekly this week… you have to gather 100 titan disc fragments. Maybe it doesn’t show up in you didn’t do the main campaign intro yet.

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I have the titan disc fragment quest, just wondering about faerin

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the weeklies swap around


I hate the disc fragment weekly


Thank you didn’t know that

and i think we have 4 of them that gets rotation
next week might bee pick a activity if i am remembering correctly

I hate the disc fragment ones

I never finish my campaign on some characters so I just never get anything but pick an activity

one of the weeklies is to go to the spider area

It’s more annoying to do on alts.

That juked me out on the 10th and made me think I didn’t get the weekly quest that week, but now I know Faerin and Brinthe alternate each week for the weekly quest; one week reveals more story hints (Brinthe) and the other lets you pick an activity to complete similar to Dragonflight Season 4 (Faerin).

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yes and no
you can do is the dirt mounds get 1 a dig lol

It may just be me, but I ran Az-Kajet world quests, Hallowfall flame quests, Proscenium performance, various elites, and I didn’t get many fragments. Am I just supposed to dungeon run/raid for this now?

I really hate that it keeps switching so I dont know if its a bug or not when I dont see it!


Titan disc weekly is easy, just run a few Delves.

It alternates because the titan disk stuff drops little tidbits of Titan lore

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Not a fan of it either but two dungeons and I was done. So at least it’s quick to do. I did it on the follower dungeon setting.

4 delves and you are done

with the select one though its 1 machine and you do 2 weeklies

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