What happened with Divine Favor visuals?

Okay, yes I know some people don’t like the visuals for it, but being a healer and having so much stuff to track it was a good reminder that I have it active. It just doesn’t show at all. I don’t really care if it’s the same or if Blizzard decides to update it for something more… ‘pretty’, but… have something at least?
Is it bugged? Was it purposely changed? Do I have to add ANOTHER weak aura to the game?

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Yeah they removed that:

  • Divine Favor now appears on the personal resource display and no longer has a visual effect.

Link: https://www.bluetracker.gg/wow/topic/us-en/1945843-20th-anniversary-update-ptr-development-notes/

You’ll need a weak aura, or use the buff indicator they added to the resource bar to track it.

TBF the old visual effect was very loud (clutter wise) and every other day there was someone in the discord asking what that effect was and how to stop it because it was sooo over the top.

They could have toned it down I guess but idk if many people really look at their character in the thick of battle for an indicator of what buffs they have and most of the time you’d just be frustrated by it when running around the city hours after you finished raid which was silly. Also, I don’t know of another similar effect that has such a prominent visual effect on the character.

I mean, it popped after casting holy prism and gets removed by casting a holy light/flash of light, it really wasn’t that hard. Thanks for your reply, good to know it’s not bugged

oh damn. I’m still learning holy and I just got used to using that visual, but then it vanished on me. Oh well, I’ll live.