What happened to WRA RP?

I’ve never RPed and done other content with the same people unless they were my RP partner(s). YMMV but I tend to keep everyone separate in that regard. i will agree that people who RP tend to not JUST RP. Especially on WrA, where a lot of people aren’t PST and thus need something to do during the ‘off-time’ if they have the time to play WoW. Although, the drought during WoD and how much RP there was at the time seems like some weird, mythical fluke now.

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i let my sub lapse a 2nd time in 2021 so far. :frowning:
I wish I could bring myself to stay. BfA was a better time for RP. It really was. It had it’s ups and downs but when it shined. It shined brightly.

Now there is a pile of suicided characters in front of the wyvern’s tail. Which matches the people in the valley. And Silvermoon is questionably as quiet.

It’s really hard to get in-character in Orgrimmar when the ONE place you can roleplay in has OOC nonsense spilling in at all hours. Duels breaking out all the time.

Silvermoon? Dead quiet. Stormwind on Alliance? Dead quiet even during peak hours.

It really feels like the only place to actually roleplay is on Moon Guard, which is a shame. Unless you really like event-based roleplay.


I -think- if you send a ticket in with all the names of the dead characters you can get them in trouble. I think.

I’ve RPd one time in the past…month? I think it’s been a solid month - maybe longer. I’m beginning to question why I’m keeping my sub. I might go look at the Classic BC pre-patch, but it’ll probably only be a 1-day thing since I played through the original BC pre-patch. It’ll just be a nostalgia thing at this point.

But I’m on 2 different Conan servers and am eyeing ESO again. I do have a standing offer of joining an RP guild on MG Alliance, but how badly do I want to transfer toons? Not too much right now. And I can play Conan and ESO without a $14/month sub.


I tried getting into Conan RP once. Logged into the PvP RP server I had been invited to when apparently it was within the war window (only time PvP was enabled) and a tribe was able to summon godsdamned cthulhu on our heads.


The RP I always enjoyed most was my random 15-minute interactions with wandering questing/RP folks. As a dual-monitor player, I could be working/doing classwork on one monitor and have WoW up on the other. I’d park Norman (or another character) somewhere in the world and when someone happened by, I would attempt a brief interaction. Usually went extremely well; most people could tell right away I was just offering a few minutes of RP and they were happy to join in. This type of RP (for me anyway) has mostly long ago vanished due to the number of actual players who have vanished. The world is empty.

I can park a character somewhere and not see anyone at all, for days.

At this point, I have a sub because there are other elements I still enjoy and they outweigh the sub fee.


Most of the RP servers I’ve been on have the gods disabled, but I kind of wish they didn’t. I’d love to see cthulhu.

PvP rules can be kind of funky on Conan RP servers. I’ve seen the “only enabled on weekends” a few times - that doesn’t bother me; I generally like PvP. The ones I won’t do are “left for dead/3 strikes” kind of rules, where your number of in-game deaths count against you and once you hit 3 (or whatever their magic number is), you have to perma-die. This feels like god-modding to me and the one time I decided to roll with it, I got burned pretty badly. Nothing like making your character, leveling fast, building your home, and then being attacked by a clan of 9 on your first real RP, only to be left for dead when you thought you were going out of your base voluntarily to provide a “fun” experience for the others. I forgot that consideration doesn’t always work both ways, silly me :stuck_out_tongue:


I recently logged on for the first time and noticed that even Oribos was pretty empty. It was around 20:00 or so server time but I’m wondering if numbers are down in general? I also actually won a BG on Alliance so maybe something is up??? We never win LOL

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Bwah? Several of the Night Elf RP guilds that have been around for 3++ years are on very friendly terms with each other and have been for quite a while? Sorry, just never heard of this before is all.

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Yeah I’d also like some clarification on this Raseri: for al lthe problems the RP community is facing right now I wasn’t aware guilds hating each other was one of them?


Everything feels empty. During the peak moments there’s some semblance to WrA in its heyday but give it a quarter or an hour and it dissipates like ether. It certainly feels that despite World of Warcraft’s Devs and its ardent supporters it does feel like this game has been dying, especially in activity; people may remain subbed but they’re not logging on anymore.


This is my biggest issue with the people on GD. I don’t care how many people bought SL, the game is empty. Half my friends list doesn’t log on. Orgrimmar and SW is empty. There’s less people in the world and even in the Shadowlands itself. I don’t care if a trillion people bought the expac, running around for an hour in-game shows you none of those people are playing still.


Although it may sound to be an exaggeration to some, I think the best way to put the people in GD and who also inhabit the forums is that they tend to get verbally violent whenever an opposing opinion or someone just disagrees with them. To them if you’re not in the 10th percentile doing heroic raids, rated PvP above 1800+, and various other high-level playing then you’re not really active and playing World of Warcraft.


there’s a VIP who posts in GD semi-frequently whose whole shtick is going

“you’re not having fun because you’re playing wrong by not pushing hardcore progression :hugs: any issues you think you’re experiencing aren’t real hope this helps”

and the fact that he still has his special green text despite being so smarmy and dismissive that pretty much everyone on every side thinks he’s noxious says a lot about how blizzard operates


I’ve never understood that. “Oh you’re not enjoying this thing? Well you’re wrong for not enjoying it.” Like bro what lmfao


Oh yeah I know who you’re talking about. Dude’s head is so far up there that he’s practically brainless. A majority of hardcore content requires a bunch of players who’re likeminded and have similar time schedules that they can coordinate with. His words are annoying because he’s obviously on a different level and has a network of people whom he can rely on so it’s basically a person with capitol telling a beggar to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.

Shadowlands has the worst gear progression and scaling by far. As well as balancing. It’s indicative with how they had to buff tank mitigation rates by 10% again, as well as various other stuff.

This expansion out of all that i’ve played - and since Vanilla - it feels like the worst uphill battle where you’re definitely not having a fun time with the entirety of it.


I hope the upcoming League of Legends MMO does really well as an “e-sports MMO” like WoW is and draws a lot of those players away so that the only people who are left are RP nerds who like pretending to be Draenei and Magical Elves and blizzard will cater to us instead


riot actually bans people for saying racial slurs tho so how many of those players will stay in the league of legends MMO?

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Maybe we should all go play LoL MMO?