What happened to WOTLK Uther?

I’ve been trying to pin down this bit of lore. My understanding is that Uther was sundered in two: half of him is lost to Frostmourne, half ferried to Bastion.

Within Frostmourne, Uther plays a key role in WotLK. He comes to understand that Arthas, his student, is gone, replaced by the master of the Helm. He forgives his former student:

Uther the Lightbringer says: Arthas…

Uther the Lightbringer says: Alas, hero of Azeroth, you give me a greater gift than you know.

Uther the Lightbringer says: Long have I struggled to forgive the prince for his terrible transgressions.

Uther the Lightbringer says: My soul has been wracked with unbearable anxiety, dark thoughts… distancing me from the Light.

Uther the Lightbringer says: I recall clearly the gleam of pride in his eye as he stood before me, eager to defeat the enemies of the Light…

Uther the Lightbringer says: Eager to defend his people, no matter the cost.

Uther the Lightbringer says: It is this memory of Arthas that I choose to keep in my heart.

Uther the Lightbringer says: I shall always be in your debt, friend.

Uther the Lightbringer says: Thank you.

Uther in Bastion goes the exact opposite direction and becomes corrupted by his vengeance lust.

So my question is what happened to Uther’s Frostmourne half? Shouldn’t he have been ferried to SL as soon as Frostmourne was shattered to form a “many threaded rope?” How does this “rope” process work when the threads are fundamentally at odds with each other?


We don’t know yet. The full picture of Uther’s story hasn’t been revealed yet.


Just like Cairne, Uther’s spirit is also attached to Azeroth.

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It is a big question we do not know! he seems to not be in the shadowlands. It seems to be the part of Uther we talked to at his tomb. So… perhaps he is something like a Loa now? He can be called on for aid and direction at his tomb, but otherwise his spirit slumbers there.

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That is a good question that only will be answered further in bastions story, we can assume the two may eventually be rejoined or his other half is in the maw? Hard to say

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Based on their BS “rope” explanation, his Frostmourne half should have merged with his Bastion half once it was freed.

The Frostmourne consumed soul of Uther’s was still connected with Azeroth and thus remained even after Frostmourne was shattered and could be interacted with at his tomb as seen in one Ashbringer quest chain for paladins.

I’m expecting the Kyrian campaign involve Uther traveling to Azeroth in order to unite his soul at some point.


Except, it was not. His soul remains sundered, and the half that was sealed in Frostmourne seemingly haunts his tomb to offer guidance to others.

The rope explanation is in regards to alternate versions of the character, not souls split in half. Though it does the question of what would happen if a AU version of a character had their own soul. Would both halves unite as threads within the rope or will only half?

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Well, yeah. Because Bastion Uther isn’t where he’s SUPPOSED to be. So Frostmourne Uther couldn’t rejoin him.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the Arbiter’s plan was “Okay, soul-half, you stay here in Bastion and wait for your other half, who will come along later, having found some nice closure for you along the way. Then we’ll stick you two back together, you’ll be whole again, and you can proceed along your intended path of Ascension.”

But then Devos ****ed up the plan by removing Uther from Bastion.


Honestly, his depiction in Bastion, the cinematic perhaps notwithstanding, has been embarrassing so far and makes no sense, but I appreciate you grasping for straws.

Uther’s soul got permanently split in half. That’s why he still bears a wound in Bastion.

The entity in Bastion is not the Uther who forgave Arthas. Whether that soul part still exists is a matter for conjecture. But because Bastion Uther is missing the forgiveness to be found in his other half, he condemmed Arthas to the Maw.

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The only possible conclusion I can draw is that he’s still in the shards of Frostmourne I have laying around in the back of my closet.

And there he shall stay. Forever.

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Would that make him a separate entity? They were trying to put a lid on the AU soul thing, then they just recreated the issue by having two distinctive Uther personas.
It would be really disappoint if a ‘phantom’ was the cause for several of the plot points.

That’s a philosophical question well above the paygrade of this thread.

Eh, the “rope” analogy never gave a specific timeframe if anything it seemed to imply it would take a long time before it happened.