What happened to world wintersgrasp map?

Prior to patch 9.0 entering the zone would show all the control points, the keep, wall status, who controlled what etc. just like it does in the instanced ebg. But now entering the zone post 9.0 the entire map is blank. Just the art shows. Nothing else. What happened?

Small indie company.

the maps are messed up again - towers graves all missing

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I get that this post is nearly 2 years old and summoning a Necromancer is againts the ToS but this is now considereably relevant again due to this being a consistent bug that pops up from Patch to Patch and once again needs fixing again, for those who like 40v40 maps and as i Personally queue into this map, this is somewhat bothersome


Av gets it too. Saw that tonight.


I created a topic about this problem on the Technical Support forum. I invite you to write your different map problems on it !

Hoping that if we are enough to talk about the problem that it will be resolved quickly.

Thanks !

are they fixed yet

CRZ happened

it might be fixed now