What happened to the warrior death grip spell?

I thought warriors were getting a new spell called meat hook that was like death grip? what happened to that?

it’s a skill book I believe, check your spellbook

I don’t know if this is a bug or not but it makes your target immune to stuns for awhile after it’s used which is pretty awful seeing as you’d want to pull+stun because the reason why you were pulling was probably because your target was somehow moving faster than you. Now you’ll pull them, won’t be able to stun them and they’ll continue to move away than you at a quicker pace. Sure you’ll be able to get off an attack or maybe 2 and possibly a hamstring but hamstring is one of the weakest slows in pvp. Most other classes have access to slows that are stronger than hamstring and there’s a good chance you’re already under the effect of one which is why you needed to use the chain in the first place.

How do “most classes” have a stronger slow?
Hamstring is undispellable (not magic or poison or curse)
No cooldown.
Lasts 15 seconds.
If it’s the effect of the slow your talking about then yeah it might be slightly weaker in terms of speed, but a lot of classes don’t have ways to get away so you only need that 1 at the start and your stuck to them like glue.
By the time a class gets a little gap on you to get out of mele you just charge/intercept them.

Rogues crippling poison, Hunters wing clip, Paladins Avenger shield are just some I can name off the top of my head.

How do you think a warrior is going to dispel a slow on their self?

Neither do wingclip or crippling. As an added bonus crippling does not need to consume resources or be applied manually.

Now maybe when I say “most classes” I mean most classes that intend to kite you which is an argument for why chains even exists in the first place.